Schedule a personalized free consultation

Talk to a member of our team in a no-obligation, 1-to-1 call. In 30 minutes, we will:

  • checkbox-circle-line-2

    Discuss your needs and challenges

  • checkbox-circle-line-2

    Explore the most relevant features of Funnel

  • checkbox-circle-line-2

    Talk about how to unlock more value from your data

  • the-home-depot-seeklogo
  • ic_havas
  • SonyMDS_logo_2
  • Adidas_Logo.svg
  • Freenow

Schedule your free demo

Please share your email, then select a convenient date and time for your demo.


Schedule a personalized free consultation

Schedule your free demo

Please share your email, then select a convenient date and time for your demo.


Talk to a member of our team in a no-obligation, 1-to-1 call. In 30 minutes, we will:

  • checkbox-circle-line-2

    Discuss your needs and challenges

  • checkbox-circle-line-2

    Explore the most relevant features of Funnel

  • checkbox-circle-line-2

    Talk about how to unlock more value from your data

  • the-home-depot-seeklogo
  • ic_havas
  • SonyMDS_logo_2
  • Adidas_Logo.svg
  • Freenow

Frequently asked questions

What happens when I book a meeting? dropdown

First you will hear from our sales development team, who will discuss your business use case. These experts will help you determine if Funnel is truly valuable for your needs. If we’re a match, great! But if not, that’s ok, too.

Next, we'll plan a customized demo of the product. After that, we'll set you up with a free trial so you can start experimenting with your own data in Funnel.

Can I get a free trial? dropdown

After we've discussed your needs, we can create a free proof-of-concept, tailored to your exact requirements.

You can also try Funnel for free on our Starter Plan if you prefer to get started under your own steam.

Do I need a consultation? dropdown

We recommend a consultation because our platform is powerful, and we want to make sure you're getting the most out of it. With a consultation and demo, we can make sure you hit the ground running.

Is Funnel right for my needs? dropdown

If you're looking for a way to get more from your marketing data, you're in the right place.

Unfortunately we can't help you with lead generation or marketing funnel creation.

Trusted by 2,000+ of world’s most data-driven companies

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  • G2 Leader Winter 2024 SVG
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