Get your marketing data to Azure Blob Storage

Send all of your marketing data from Funnel into Microsoft Azure.

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Funnel & Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

Funnel helps you connect, store, organize, and share your marketing data to achieve your goals.

Funnel & Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

Funnel helps you connect, store, organize, and share your marketing data to achieve your goals.


Lightning fast

Funnel is not only straight forward and user-friendly set up. With Funnel, you can map and share data on-demand without lag time.


Reliable data

Funnel is using a secure data share and takes care of any broken APIs. All to unsure that you always have reliable data that you can trust in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.


A scalable solution

Adapt seamlessly to increasing data volumes and complexity, making it ideal for growing businesses and their evolving data needs.


Supports large data volume

Adapt seamlessly to increasing data volumes and complexity, making it ideal for growing businesses and their evolving data needs.

How to connect Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

How to connect Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

Azure Blob Storage

Step 1 - Prepare your Microsoft account

Before you can share data, you should have a Microsoft Azure account and have created a Storage account with 'Blob storage' and 'Enable storage account key access'.

Step 2 - Find you service endpoint and create a SAS token

Read this help article to find the exact steps needed to create a SAS token.

Step 3 - Create a data share in Funnel

Navigate to Share > Data warehouse in Funnel. Click ‘Create data share’ and choose Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. Enter the Service endpoint and SAS token, then choose the data you want to share.

Step 4 - Access and work with your data in Azure

Your data will be automatically sent to your Microsoft Azure Blob Storage anywhere from hourly to daily - based on your settings.

Loved by more than 2,000 customers from around the world


Loved by more than 2,000 customers from around the world


“By offering a cost-efficient zero maintenance out-of-the-box solution to integrate a wide range of media, ad tech, and data platforms, Funnel has helped us to create a 360 view of our marketing effectiveness.”

Thomas van Mastbergen
Digital Marketing Director at Basic-Fit

“Funnel has become our preferred tool for integrating marketing data, we think it is the industry leader in the category”.

Hamis Badarou
Chief Analytics Officer at Hanalytics

Get your data from anywhere to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage with Funnel

With Funnel, the possibilities for data integration are virtually limitless. Unlock the full potential of your data.

Work together in Funnel

Funnel helps different teams work better with marketing data. See how different teams benefit from a marketing data hub.

Work together in Funnel

Funnel helps different teams work better with data. See how different teams benefit from a marketing data hub.

Marketers monitor and report on performance

Marketers love Funnel, because it allows them to learn more about how different marketing campaigns perform.

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Data analysts get insights and report at scale

Data analysts use Funnel to dive deeper into marketing, sales and CRM data to gain insights that fuel their strategies.

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IT teams enjoy up-to-date API connections

IT teams don’t have to maintain any API connectors. With Funnel, they basically outsource API connector maintanance.

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Why Microsoft Azure Storage?

Microsoft Azure is a comprehensive cloud computing service for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.

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