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New Fields Google Analytics

Google Analytics: Events per session

A new metric is available for GA4 sources: Events per session. The metric is derived from "Event count" and "Sessions" – so these two metrics need to ...

New Fields Semrush

Semrush now released!

Funnel now supports the Search engine marketing platform Semerush. Our Semrush connector features three different reports, Backlinks authority score, ...

New Fields Pinterest Organic

Pinterest Organic – new Pin link dimensions added

Funnel's Pinterest Organic connector now supports the dimensions Pin Link, Pin Tracked Link, Pin Image Large URL, Pin Image Medium URL and Pin Image S...

New Fields Spotify Ad Studio

Spotify Ad Studio – Ad play percentage fields

Funnel's Spotify connector now supports Ad played to 25%, Ad played to 50%, Ad played to 75% and Ad played to 100%. See all available fields here.


Inspect your credentials

We now offer a details page for the credentials you've used to connect to other platforms in Funnel. The page provides more information on your sets o...

Facebook Ads

Attribution setting available in Facebook Ads

It's now possible to connect Facebook Ads sources with Attribution setting. Facebook has launched this concept as a replacement for their old Attribut...

New Fields Google Analytics

Google Analytics: Full Referrer

Funnel now supports the dimension "Full Referrer" for its Google Analytics connector. To access the Full referrer field, connect a new source with the...

New Fields TikTok

TikTok: Province available in the Ad Audience report

The Province dimension is now available in Funnel's TikTok connector. To get access to the field, connect a new TikTok source and configure an Ad audi...

New Fields myTarget

myTarget: Banner name

The dimension "Banner name" has been added to Funnel's myTarget connector. See all available fields here.

New Fields SA360

SA360 (DoubleClick Search): New dimensions added to the Conversion report

Three new dimensions have been added to Funnel's SA360/DoubleClick Search Conversion report: Conversion timestamp, Conversion visit timestamp, Convers...

New Fields Snapchat

Snapchat: Optimization goal

The dimension "Optimization goal" is now available in Funnel's Snapchat connector. See all available fields in our Knowledge base.

New Fields Daisycon

Daisycon: Program description

Funnel's Daisycon connector now supports the dimension "Program description". See all available fields here.

New Fields Google Ads

Google Ads (AdWords): Clicks by keyword available

Keyword can now be selected as an optional dimension for "Click View" reports. This means you can see click ids broken down by keyword.See our knowled...