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Off Spotify Impressions

Spotify recently started supporting a new metrics: Off Spotify impressions. This metric measures impressions for podcasts served off Spotify. It is cu...

Performance Max campaigns supported for AdWords (Google Ads)

We've updated our AdWords (Google Ads) connector to utilise the lastest API version, meaning we can now offer Performance Max campaigns! Performance M...

AdService – new fields

Funnel has added three new fields, that are available for all sources: Publisher ID, Media ID and Media Name. What data can I get?

VK Ads connector expanded

Two dimensions have been added to our VK Ads connector: Account ID and Client ID (only for agencies). What data can I get from VK Ads?

New e-commerce fields supported for Google Analytics

We've added support for two new e-commerce fields in our Google Analytics connector: Product Category Level 2 and Shopping Stage. Both dimensions are ...

Shopify Traffic Source

Funnel has added support for Shopify Traffic Source. You will find it in the Order and Product reports of our standard connector. What data can I get ...

Google Search Console: New search types

Funnel's Google search console connector has been expanded with "Discover" and "Google News" search types. What data can I get from Google Search Cons...

Partnerize – "Conversion lag" data is now available

"Conversion lag" is now available in the "Item conversion" report of Funnel's Partnerize connector. We've also made "Account name" and "Company name" ...

Adwords (Google Ads): Preview Image URL

A new dimension have been added for the Standard Ad report: "Preview Image URL".

StackAdapt: Insertion Order and Unique conversions

Funnel's StackAdapt connector supports a new breakdown selection, "Insertion Order", and a new metric, "Unique Conversions".What data can I get from S...

LinkedIn: Campaign start & end date

Two new dimensions have been added to the Standard Report: Campaign Start Date, Campaign End Date. What data can I get from LinkedIn?

Google Analytics: New dimensions

The dimension "Shopping Stage" is now available in our Google Analytics connector. To get it, connect a "Universal Analytics" source with "Enhanced ec...

LinkedIn: Direct Sponsored Content

We have added support for a new dimension in our LinkedIn Standard report: Direct Sponsored Content. Direct Sponsored Content indicates whether the cr...

Partnerize: New dimensions

Funnel's Partnerize connector now supports Account name and Company name for all reports.What data can I get from Partnerize?