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We have made updates to Facebook Ads, HubSpot, Pinterest and more! Here we present our June Core Connector updates.

Facebook Ads

We have added new fields to make it easier to follow up on boosted organic posts:

  • Ad Creative Boosted Post Source Platform: The source platform of the Boosted Post that the Ad Creative is linked to. Can be either Facebook or Instagram.
  • Ad Creative Boosted Post Page Id: The Page Id of the Boosted Post that the Ad Creative is linked to.
  • Ad Creative Boosted Post Instagram User Id: The Instagram User Id of the Boosted Post that the Ad Creative is linked to.
  • Ad Creative Boosted Post Instagram Actor Id: The Instagram Actor Id (Instagram Account Id) of the Boosted Post that the Ad Creative is linked to.

We have also added the field Optimization Goal, which shows the selected optimization goal for your ad or ad set.

We have also added back the 28 day click through attribution window.

Read more about what data you can get from Facebook Ads here.

HubSpot Leads

We have added a new Connector for HubSpot Leads. Check out what data you can get from Hubspot here.


We have added the metrics Reach 90 days and Frequency 90 days. Read more about what data you can get from Pinterest here.

Piwik PRO

We have added new fields to our Piwik PRO Connector:

  • Currency
  • Orders (also called E-commerce conversions)
  • Bounce Rate (calculated as the number of bounces divided by total sessions)

Check out what data you can get from Piwik PRO here.

Amazon Vendor Central 

Our Amazon Vendor Central Connector now supports the option to select between Manufacturing View or Sourcing View when setting up a new Data Source. Read more about what data you can get from Amazon Vendor Central here.


We have added new fields for the Conversion Tracker breakdown:

  • Campaign (Name)
  • Campaign ID
  • Campaign Group ID (also known as Insertion Order ID or Line Item ID)
  • Campaign Type

Check out what data you can get from StackAdapt here.

Rakuten Affiliate Network

We have added new fields for Rakuten Affiliate Network:

  • Sub-Publisher ID
  • Sub-Publisher Name
  • Sub-Publisher URL

Read more about what data you can get from Rakuten Affiliate Network here.


We have added the field Ad name, to the Top Campaign Content Report Type. Read more about what data you can get from Taboola here.

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