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New fields and dimensions have been added to Yahoo Japan Search, Spotify Ads, Amazon Selling Partner, and more – here are our Core Connector updates for April 2023.

Yahoo Japan Search
We have added two new dimensions to the Ad report type:
- Final URL
- Final URL (Smartphone)

Furthermore, Search Query (Dynamic Ads for Search) has been added as a new report. This report has three new dimensions:
- Generated Title
- Search Query
More information can be found in this article

Yahoo Japan YDN
6 new metrics have been added:
- Conversions (all)
- Click-through conversions
- View-through conversions
- Cross-device conversions
- Conv. value (all)
- Conv. value (via clicks)

We have added the following new dimensions to our TikTok connector:
- Data downloaded at
- Campaign status
- Adgroup status
- Ad status

We have added the following new fields to Tapjoy:
- Ad ID
- Ad set ID (also known as Ad group ID)
- Ad set name (also known as Ad group name)
- App ID
- Campaign ID
- Campaign name
- Campaign objective
- Call to action clicks
- Engagement installs
- Media watched 100% actions

We have added the following fields to the Search Keyword report:
- Search Impr. share - Estimated
- Search Lost IS (rank) - Estimated
- Total Eligible Impressions - Estimated
- Total Rank Lost Impressions - Estimated

Amazon Selling Partner
We have added a new report type called Returns to Amazon Selling Partner. The list of fields for this report type can be found in this article.

Document Ads dimensions are again available via the LinkedIn core connector.

Google My Business 
We have added a new field in Google My Business: Region Code. Visit this article for more information.

Spotify Ad Studio
We have added the following new fields to Spotify Ads:
- Unique Listeners
- New Listener Streams
- New Listeners
- Streams
- Starts
Find more information in this article.

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