GA4, DV360 and Instagram Insights - December Core Connector updates

1 minute read Last updated Jan 15 2024
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We have added new fields to GA4, DV360, Instagram Insights and more! Here we present our December Core Connector updates.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

We have added the field Landing page, which is the landing page without the query string.

The field Samples read rate has also been added to make troubleshooting easier. Read more about it in our troubleshooting article.

We have also made it possible to add Item-scoped custom dimensions.

Display & Video 360 (DV360)

We have added the Creative level to the Reach and Frequency reports.

We have also added more fields and a new report type to the Reach and Frequency reports:

New fields in the Unique Reach report:

  • Unique Reach: Average Impression Frequency (Co-Viewed)
  • Unique Reach: Average Viewable Impression Frequency
  • Unique Reach: Viewable Impression Reach

New report - Unique Reach Audience, with fields:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Unique Reach: Average Impression Frequency
  • Unique Reach: Average Impression Frequency (Co-Viewed)
  • Unique Reach: Average Viewable Impression Frequency
  • Unique Reach: Click Reach
  • Unique Reach: Impression Reach
  • Unique Reach: Impression Reach (Co-Viewed)
  • Unique Reach: Viewable Impression Reach
  • % Composition Impressions
  • % Composition Impressions (Co-Viewed)
  • % Composition Reach
  • % Composition Reach (Co-Viewed)
  • % Population Reach
  • % Population Reach (Co-Viewed)
  • % Viewable Population Reach
  • % Viewable Composition Reach
  • % Viewable Composition Impressions
  • Target Rating Points
  • Target Rating Points (Co-Viewed)
  • Viewable Target Rating Points

You can find all available fields for DV360 here. 

Instagram Insights

We have added the new field Total Interactions, which replaces the fields Reels Interactions, Engagements and Carousel album engagement.

Find out which data you can get from Instagram Insights here. 

Google Ads

We have added the optional field Keywords in the Search Query report.


We have added the new Connectors ActiveCampaign Contacts and ActiveCampaign Deals.

We have also renamed the ActiveCampaign Connector to ActiveCampaign Email to improve clarity.

The new report typ Message has also been added to ActiveCampaign Email.

Read more about which data you can get from ActiveCampaign here. 

Hubspot Contacts

We have added the derived field Contact Owner Name to the Hubspot Contacts connector.

Amazon DSP 

Credentials with Manager account access to advertisers can now connect them as data sources

WIHP (Meta I/O)

We have added these new fields: 

  • Conversions
  • Account name
  • Market ID
  • Market name (previously Countries)
  • Device ID
  • Device name (previously Sub Category)


We have added the new report type Creative, which is capable of importing these new fields:

  • Ad space
  • Ad space ID
  • Commission model
  • Creative category
  • Creative ID
  • Creative title


Terminus now has two new fields available:

  • Tactic ID
  • Devices impressed - The number of unique users shown ads for this tactic
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