Google Ads, GA4 and The Trade Desk - April Core Connector updates

1 minute read Last updated May 6 2024
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We have added new Report Types and fields to Google Ads, Google Analytics 4, The Trade Desk and more! Here we present our April Core Connector updates.

Google Ads

We have added a new Report Level in the Standard Report: Asset Group, available when connecting a Standard Report. Read more about what data you can get from the new Report Level here.

We have also added these new fields:

  • Cross-device Conv.
  • New vs. Returning Customers
  • All New Customer Lifetime Value
  • All New Customer Lifetime Value
  • SKAN Ad Event Type
  • SKAN Attribution Credit
  • SKAN Source App ID
  • SKAN User Type
  • Image Ad Name
  • Search Term Match Type

Read more about what data you can get from Google Ads here.

Google Analytics 4

We have added Campaign Manger 360 fields, Display & Video 360 fields as well as the fields Primary channel group, First user primary channel group and Session primary channel group.

Read more about what data you can get from GA4 here.

The Trade Desk

We have added the new Report Type Reach and Frequency. Read more about what data you can get from the new Report Type here.

Facebook Ads

We have added the fields Calls placed, 20 s Calls placed, 60 s Calls placed, available in sources connected with Actions and Conversions. Read more about what data you can get from Facebook Ads here


We have added the new Report Type Campaign Overview, which allows you to get rate metrics. Read more about what data you can get from the new Report Type here.


We have added these new metrics:

  • Gross Profit
  • Gross Margin
  • Net Profit
  • Net Profit Margin
  • Average Items per Order
  • New Customer Orders
  • Returning Customer Orders
  • Items Sold
  • Items Returned
  • Return Rate

Read more about what data you can get from Shopify here.

Spotify Ad Studio

We have added the new field Clickthrough URL. Read more about what data you can get from Spotify Ad Studio here.


We have added the possibility to choose which time zone the data will be fetched in, and the new dimension Time zone, which indicates the selected time zone for a specific Data Source. Available both on the Account and Company level.

Read more about what data you can get from CallRail here.

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