Google Ads, TikTok Ads and Search Ads 360 - January Core Connector updates

2 minute read Last updated Feb 5 2024
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We have added new report types to Google Ads and TikTok Ads, as well as a new Search Ads 360 Connector and more! Here we present our January Core Connector updates.

Google Ads

We have added a new non-aggregatable report type: Reach and Frequency for Google Ads.


  • Ad Account Name
  • Ad Group ID
  • Ad Group Name
  • Campaign
  • Campaign ID
  • Campaign Type


  • Avg. Impr. Freq. / User
  • Unique Users

Read more about the new report type here.

We have also added the report type Hotel Reconciliation for Google Ads. See the included fields in the new report type here.

The optional dimension Device is now also available in the report Standard Impression Share Metrics.

TikTok Ads 

It is now possible to report on TikTok reservation campaigns with our new report type Reservation. The new report type can be connected at the Campaign, Ad group or Ad level.


  • Ad ID
  • Ad Name
  • Adgroup ID
  • Adgroup Name
  • Campaign ID
  • Campaign Name
  • Data Downloaded At


  • 2-Second Video Views
  • 6-Second Video Views
  • Click Through Rate (CTR destination)
  • Clicks (All)
  • Clicks (Destination)
  • Conversion Rate
  • Cost per Action (CPA)
  • Cost per Click (CPC destination)
  • Cost per Mille (CPM)
  • Impressions
  • Paid Comments
  • Paid Likes
  • Paid Shares
  • Real Time Conversion Rate
  • Total cost
  • Video Average Watch Time Per Person
  • Video Average Watch Time Per Video View
  • Video Views
  • Video Views at 25%
  • Video Views at 50%
  • Video Views at 75%
  • Video Views at 100%

Some dimensions and metrics are only available at certain levels, read more here.

Search Ads 360

We have a new Connector: New Search Ads 360. Search Ads 360 has released a new user interface and a corresponding API. The new Connector matches the new experience. We will continue to support the old Connector until the old API is sunset at the end of June 2024, to give you time to transition to the new Connector. Read more about the new Connector here.


We have added a new report type for Awin called Creative performance, which enables you to report on the creative level. It contains the same fields as the Publisher performance report type plus these new fields:

  • Creative ID
  • Creative name
  • Tag name
  • Publisher Primary Region
  • Publisher Primary Type

Google Trends

We have added a new report type to Google Trends: Interest by City, which makes it possible to see trends with a City breakdown. Read more about what data you can get from Google Trends here.


We have added a new report type for Adform called Line Item (with Device Type). It is based on the existing Line Item report, but only includes metrics compatible with Device Type. Read more here.

Facebook Ads

We have added the field Ad Account Name to all report types.

X (Twitter)

We have added the fields Funding source ID and Funding source name.


We have added the metric Installs (SKAN).


We have added the metric Transactions.


We have added the dimension Device type to the Visit Log report.

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