Instagram, Shopify and Pinterest – new fields in July

1 minute read Last updated Aug 18 2022
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Instagram, Shopify and Pinterest – here are some of the connectors that have been expanded in July.

Instagram Reels now supported in the Media Insights report
New metrics are:
- Plays
- Shares
- Reels Interactions

It's now possible to get Billing Country, Billing Province from our Shopify  connector.

Pinterest has gotten 2 new video metrics:
- Paid video watched for 3 seconds
- Earned video watched for 3 seconds

Yahoo Ad tech now supports Advertiser name

Adwords / Google Ads
We've introduced the "Search Impressions". This metric replaces 
"Qualified Top Impressions" and "Qualified Absolute Top Impressions".

New Reach and Frequency report for LinkedIn
LinkedIn recently introduced new reach and frequency metrics:
Average Frequency
Cost per 1,000 member accounts reached
These are available on a 1 day, 7 day and 30 day attribution window on a Campaign level.

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