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We hope you have enjoyed/are enjoying a fantastic summer and we are excited to bring you the latest updates from Funnel! This month our updates video stars Con Cirillo, our Head of Marketing in the US here at Funnel. Let’s take a look: 

Bulk delete custom metrics and dimensions

We have added the ability to bulk delete custom metrics and dimensions from the field lists. This makes it easier than ever to keep your dimensions and metrics tidy, and reduce clutter in your workspaces. 

Workspace-wide data share settings

We’re introducing our new feature that allows you to enter your email address once and receive notifications for any errors related to all your scheduled exports from Funnel, eliminating the need for individual setup. 

New destination: Amazon Redshift

You can now assign specific roles with detailed sets of permissions, giving you more control and peace of mind. This feature is available on our Enterprise plan.

New fields and metrics

Google Ads, Apple Search Ads and Integral Ad Science are some of the connectors we’ve updated and added fields to this month. To see the full list of updates, check out our blog


Until next time, 

Christian from Funnel

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