Salesforce, Google Ads and Amazon DSP - Connector updates for October

1 minute read Last updated Nov 7 2023
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New fields have been added to Salesforce, Google Ads and Amazon DSP and more! Here we present our Core Connector update for the month of October.


We have created a new Connector called Campaign Influence. Read more about it here

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

We have added a new report type called Email Performance (Unsubscribes). Read more about it here.

Additionally, we have also added the optional field "Click URL" to the report type Email Performance (Clicks).

Google Ads 

We have added new fields to the Standard report: 

  • Target ROAS (Maximize Conversion) 
  • Target ROAS (Ad Group)
  • Asset Level
  • Bidding Strategy Type
  • Bidding Strategy Name
  • Bidding Strategy ID

We have also enabled the optional dimension Quality Score on the Ad level, and added the fields Ad relevance, Landing page exp., and Exp. CTR when enabling the Quality Score optional dimension in the Search Keyword report.

Amazon DSP

A new report called Inventory report with the new dimensions Deal Type and Deal Name. Read more here

The metric Total Add to Lists (Total ATL) is now available in the Campaign, Inventory and Product reports.

The metric Add to List (ATL) is now available in all reports.

Microsoft Advertising 

We have added the report type Account Report. Read more here


We have added the new report type SMS Messages. Read more here

Prisjakt / Prisjagt / Pricespy / Hintaopas 

We have added these new fields:

  • Product ID
  • Product name
  • Category ID
  • Category name


We have added new fields to the List of transactions report:

  • Product ID
  • Product name
  • Unit price
  • Quantity
  • SKU code
  • Category

Ad Up Technology  

We have added these new fields:

  • Account ID
  • Ad group ID
  • Campaign ID
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