Do you need an attribution tool?

Published Jan 19 2022 1 minute read Last updated May 24 2023
Do you need an attribution tool?
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Attribution is a buzzword that has dominated marketing conversations forever. Every marketer wants to know how to do it but can’t seem to put their finger on exactly how to get it right. 

But the reality of today’s digital advertising world is that it is tough to track prospects across the entire internet on an individual basis. And it’s getting more and more complicated every day. So running standardized algorithms that rely on reliable cookie-based data isn’t the answer. 


You need a holistic view of your advertising

It would be great if the world was ideal and prospects saw one ad on Facebook, clicked on the link, went to your site, and bought your product or service. One ad, one purchase that we can attribute to Facebook. Instead, prospects flow in and out of your ecosystem – sometimes tracked, sometimes not. 

You think you have an attribution problem, but you likely don’t have a holistic view of your marketing performance across channels. 

You need to be looking at your data on an aggregate level to see how effective different ads, creatives, and messages on various platforms are at driving someone down the funnel. 

Suppose you can’t easily track an individual and ensure they go through a linear customer journey. In that case, you need to test various elements within that customer journey to try and increase your effectiveness at each stage, with each creative and each piece of copy.

Refine your customer journey by testing and seeing the results on an aggregated level. That way, you can confidently attribute the influence of each channel to your marketing performance.

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