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  • Carl Ronander
    Written by Carl Ronander

    Carl is the VP of brand and communication at Funnel. He has more than 16 years of experience working in brand strategy and management.

In the realm of marketing, brand campaigns can feel as elusive as mastering the perfect soufflé. When they land, it’s magical. But when they don’t… well, they collapse. 

At Funnel, we recently overhauled our brand (read all about that here), and with it, we embarked on a journey to create our first brand campaign. Not just any campaign, mind you, but one that would turn the perception of marketing data from dreary to delightful. 

It was quite the journey…

It began qualitatively

Before we could start building an outward facing brand, we had to reflect on what Funnel means to those already familiar with it. To achieve this perspective, We held tons of workshops with employees, customers, partners, board members and other stakeholders. 

During these workshops, we tried to pick out the core elements of what makes Funnel’s perception so… Funnel-y. We waded through a multitude of stories and opinions to pick out the main themes that kept popping up. 

Over time, we learned that Funnel gives marketers (be they brand or agency side) courage by giving them control over their marketing data. This control was embodied in the rock-solid data connections and automations found within our Data Hub and the general sense of relief our users felt, knowing that their dashboards and reports wouldn’t break at critical moments. This mastery of marketing data opened up a world of opportunity where marketers could experiment with new techniques, craft compelling strategies and even build new revenue streams for their businesses. 

We also learned something valuable about data. It can be quite inspiring. 

Changing the perception of data

Let's face it, most people don't associate data with "fun." It’s not often the first word that comes to mind when you're knee-deep in a sea of fragmented reports. According to our research, a significant chunk of a marketer's time is spent on collecting and normalizing data, rather than on the exciting bits like analyzing trends and optimizing campaigns.

It can feel like spending hours setting up a party only to leave before it even starts.

Our challenge was clear: we needed to show that Funnel doesn’t just make handling data bearable, it makes it joyful. We wanted to embrace the initial dread marketers feel about data. But then, we wanted to turn that dread into pure delight by positioning Funnel as the catalyst that changes the game. We wanted to show that, with the right tools, data could actually make you want to dance – both figuratively and literally.

Giving data its dancing shoes

With these insights, rooted in our brand promise of providing courage through control, we developed our new brand concept: We “make data dance.” Not literally, of course – though that would be an impressive feat. Instead, we wanted to show that Funnel gives you the tools and control to choreograph your data. 

Imagine taking what is traditionally seen as mind-numbing spreadsheets, pivot tables and KPIs, and turning it into something energetic, empowering and even fun. 

“Make data dance” symbolizes the confidence, mastery and sense of liberation marketers experience when they have access to clean, organized data. Tight choreography serves as a metaphor for our Funnel maps, organizes and coordinates all of your data to serve up something beautiful (i.e., insights). 

Moreover, data serves as the catalyst for big and bold moves. It is that shot of inspiration a marketer needs to create an incredible new campaign. 

But how do you bring that feeling to life for a target audience often buried under piles of analytics? How do you take this idea and bring it to life in a way that further differentiates from the competition? Enter our creative process, which was equal parts science, art and a dash of tequila. 

From catalyst to campaign

When our creative team at Nord DDB pitched ideas, we were adamant about avoiding the typical (read: tired) representations of data. No one wanted to see another glowing, matrix-inspired infographic flying over a dark cityscape. Instead, we aimed to humanize data by comparing Funnel’s effect to real-world catalysts that make people want to dance.

The concept we landed on was a simple and flexible analogy format: “Like [X]. But for your marketing data.” The idea was that [X] could be any catalyst that instantly makes you want to get up and move. 

This got us thinking. What actually makes people want to dance? Music? A great beat? A party? A shot of tequila? You bet! But the beauty of this concept was that it could go beyond literal dancing and tap into broader metaphors for positive impact and energy.

And this is where the magic happened. By using metaphors for dancing (banjos, boy bands tequila shots) we were able to talk about something as dry as data in a way that was approachable, fresh and (dare we say) entertaining.

Evaluating the creative routes

Throughout the process, we had several creative directions on the table, but the winning concept was the one that could balance humor with brand relevance. Senior marketers and strategists – those seasoned professionals with an appreciation for smart, relatable storytelling – need campaigns that speak to the head and the heart. After all, data is the backbone of strategic decision-making, but it doesn’t have to feel like a root canal.

Ultimately, we decided to narrow down to three key metaphors:

  • Like a banjo at a hoedown. For your data.
  • Like a 90s boy band. For your data.
  • Like a shot of tequila. For your data.

Why these? Because they each represent something universally recognizable. A banjo at a hoedown instantly conjures images of fun, spontaneous and communal dancing. A 90s boy band evokes nostalgia and infectious pop tunes you can't help but move to. And a shot of tequila? Well, we all know what happens next. 

They were catalysts for movement, joy and fun, which was exactly what we wanted to communicate about Funnel’s ability to transform marketing data.

Bringing it to life

When it came time to bring these metaphors to life, the real work began. We shot three video spots designed to live online, each highlighting one of the creative ideas. Together, they created a cohesive campaign that felt fresh, fun and relatable. 

The key throughout was to stay true to metaphorically highlight the joy and creativity that data can bring to a marketer’s work. It all ties back to our brand promise of providing marketing courage through data control so that our customers can focus on driving results. 

Breaking with tradition 

Don’t let this story of success fool you, though. There were plenty of bumps along the way. For a company like Funnel, which has historically been laser-focused on short-term, data-driven tactics, shifting gears to invest in a long-term brand awareness campaign felt like navigating uncharted waters. We’ve built our success on the foundation of measurable, actionable results by closely monitoring clicks, conversions and clean data that drive immediate outcomes. 

Short-term tactics offer the instant gratification of seeing real-time impact. And for data-led companies, that feedback loop can be incredibly reassuring. But, as Tom Roache eloquently illustrates, you will eventually hit the performance plateau (increasing costs coupled with diminishing returns). 

To get back onto a path of growth, you need to build a brand. This isn’t something you can do or measure overnight, though. It’s not about incremental improvements in your ROAS from one quarter to the next. It’s about establishing emotional connections that pay off in the long run.

Shifting to long-term brand building like this requires a leap of faith. For data-driven marketers, that leap can feel uncomfortable, especially when there’s no immediate payoff. Investing in brand awareness means embracing ambiguity, trading immediate metrics for long-term trust, recognition and market presence. 

The challenge is that the things we love to rely on (like CTR, CPA and attribution) don’t tell the whole story. But while long-term brand campaigns may not deliver quick wins, they’re essential for creating lasting value.

Making data dance for you

So, what can your brand take away from all this? Whether you're managing a team, rolling out a new product or rethinking your brand's positioning, it's worth remembering that storytelling is at the core of every great marketing campaign. It’s not just about the data or the product features; it’s about how those things make your audience feel. And sometimes, that feeling needs to be unexpected.

Everyone claims to believe in the exceptional power of creativity, but they often end up adopting similar competitor strategies that may have achieved success in the past. But simply copying something good will not lead to greatness. You need the courage to zig when others zag. 

So, next time you're in a brainstorm session and someone suggests, "like a banjo at a hoedown," don't roll your eyes. Instead, ask yourself: "How can we make data dance?" Because with the right approach, even the most technical of products can become the life of the party.

Contributors Dropdown icon
  • Carl Ronander
    Written by Carl Ronander

    Carl is the VP of brand and communication at Funnel. He has more than 16 years of experience working in brand strategy and management.