Why Renaissance agencies are the future of the industry

Published Sep 24 2024 4 minute read Last updated Sep 24 2024
Renaissance agency
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  • Sean Dougherty
    Written by Sean Dougherty

    A copywriter at Funnel, Sean has more than 15 years of experience working in branding and advertising (both agency and client side). He's also a professional voice actor.

In the late 15th century, the Renaissance era brought about a cultural awakening that fused art, science and humanism in ways the world had never seen. Visionaries like Leonardo da Vinci were not content with being just artists. They were inventors, scientists and philosophers. They worked across many disciplines, using a deep understanding of human nature and technical prowess to craft works that transcended boundaries.

Today, marketing agencies are poised to experience a similar “awakening.” For years, the industry has embraced the role that data plays in crafting strategies and creative tactics. More recently, new AI-driven technologies have opened up a new world of possibility for business-savvy expression. Yet, all of this technological advancement still requires the human touch for interpretation and application. 

It’s at this nexus of technology, art and humanity that agencies can propel themselves forward and succeed for years to come. 

AI and data are the new tools to create 

As the marketing industry as a whole becomes more data mature, we have adopted new standards for how we operate. Large data volumes have elicited the need to conduct advanced analytics in order to serve up insights that have tangible business impacts. Plus, AI tools have allowed marketers to kick their speed and capabilities into another gear. 

Data as the canvas

If a Renaissance agency wants to succeed today, it needs to start with a data-built canvas. They must push their clients to provide high-quality data early on in their work. This includes full access to third-party marketing and advertising platforms as well as any legally compliant first- and zero-party data. 

It’s then on these agencies to provide the expertise in processing these large data volumes and find the insights hidden among thousands (or millions) of data points. Of course, these agencies will employ powerful tools that can automate data handling and analysis processes wherever possible, but it is still on the human experts to separate the strategic insights that can serve as the foundation for strong strategies. 

Read more: Expert tips for onboarding a client

AI as the new brush

Perhaps no single tool has upended the marketing industry more than AI. From advanced machine learning to large language models, nearly every marketer and agency professional is reconsidering their place in the industry. 

While many creatives felt threatened by the capacity of AI to create copy and imagery from simple prompts, many agency folks have become a bit more comfortable with the technology as they continue to incorporate it into more of their processes. According to recent Funnel research, two-thirds of agency professionals surveyed anticipated their financial conditions would improve over the next year — led in large part by the anticipated net positive impact AI will have on their businesses. 

Indeed, as more creatives spend time with tools like ChatGPT, MidJourney and more, they find them to be quite effective at working out initial ideas, concepts and drafts. They can be effective tools for brainstorming as sounding boards. They can also be quite effective in crafting sample shots for storyboards or helping to challenge pitch decks to make them more effective. 

The point is this: AI is simply a new kind of brush with which creative professionals can illustrate their ideas — building masterpieces that are sure to withstand the test of time. 

Elevating campaigns beyond data

These new technologies can only take marketing professionals so far. After all, they are only one part of our Renaissance trio: art, humanity and technology. With data canvas and AI brush in hand, agency professionals need to refocus on getting really creative, which is where they shine.

It should start by creating the why from the data (which tells you what has happened). It’s in this "why" that a Renaissance agency finds its most fertile ground.

For example, data might reveal that a particular segment of customers is abandoning their carts after viewing a product video. Creativity steps in to reimagine the user journey, crafting personalized narratives that address objections, build trust, and inspire action. Without creativity, data is little more than a collection of facts. With creativity, it becomes a roadmap to meaningful engagement.

In the Renaissance era, artists like Michelangelo were revered for their technical skill and their ability to evoke deep emotional responses through their work. Modern, successful agencies must evoke those same emotional responses in their audiences by using data as a guide while allowing creativity to take the lead.

Putting people at the center of strategy

Just as the masters of the era placed a focus on the human experience, so too must Renaissance agencies. Data is very important, but it cannot replace the deep understanding of human behavior that lies at the heart of every successful marketing campaign. The best agencies know that human connections are what drive customer loyalty and long-term business success.

That doesn’t mean that data can’t play a part in centering humanity in a campaign. In fact, first- and zero-party data can help agencies craft highly personalized outreach tactics that deliver bespoke and engaging experiences to customers. 

Additionally, human sensibility must be applied to data—particularly third-party data. Marketers and agencies must ensure that the data they work with respects potential customers' privacy interests. 

This presents a golden opportunity for Renaissance agencies adept at bridging the gap between hard data and human experience. Since many marketers lack a clear roadmap for a future without cookies, agencies can act as trusted advisors to steer their clients through the delicate balance of data ethics, crafting human-centered campaigns and allowing data to play a supportive role. 

At the intersection of technology, creativity and humanism

The true power of the Renaissance agency lies in its ability to blend all three of these elements (technology, creativity and human understanding) into a seamless, unified strategy. It’s not about choosing one over the other. Rather, it’s about mastering the intersections where these disciplines meet.

Agencies that understand how to leverage AI for efficiency, use creativity to connect with audiences and maintain a human-centered approach to marketing will thrive. They will become indispensable partners to their clients, offering insights and strategies that no machine or in-house team can replicate.

To embody this model, agencies must foster a culture of innovation and collaboration. This means encouraging cross-functional teams that include data scientists, creatives, strategists and client relationship managers to work together seamlessly. It also means investing in talent that can think across disciplines, integrating technical expertise with creative thinking and empathy for the customer.

Sculpting a successful future

Just as the Renaissance era produced some of the most groundbreaking works of art, science and philosophy, today’s marketing landscape offers the same opportunity for agencies willing to embrace the intersection of technology, creativity and humanism. A Renaissance agency doesn’t just survive change; it drives it by crafting campaigns and strategies that speak to both the head and the heart.

As we enter a new golden age of marketing, agencies must step up and shape their prosperous future.

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