2dehands - New connector

1 minute read Last updated Aug 3 2021
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  • Gustav Karlsson
    Written by Gustav Karlsson

    Gustav joined Funnel in 2017 and works as a Product Manager

There's now a plug-n-play connector available in Funnel for the classifieds site 2dehands. 2dehands is the leading classifieds site in Belgium. The connector is released with the follow dimensions and metrics available. 


  • Ad ID
  • Ad category level 1 – Description of the top-level category of the ad.
  • Ad category level 2 – Description of the second-level category of the ad.
  • Ad category level 3 – Description of the third-level category of the ad, if applicable.
  • Ad region – Description of the (lowest-level) region of the ad, if applicable.
  • Ad title – Title of the ad.
  • Ad vendor ID – Vendor ID of the ad, if available.
  • Category
  • Category ID
  • External Ad ID
  • URL – The external URL that is shown on the ad page.


  • Clicks – The number of clicks.
  • Cost – The amount of cost.
  • Emails – Number of email requests this category received.
  • Engagements – Number of engagements leads from clicks.
  • Impressions – The number of impressions.
  • Total Spent – The amount of total spent.
  • URL Clicks – Number of url clicks this category received.
Dive into our knowledge base for a full list of available fields.


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