2Performant and Apple Search Ads - Connector updates for August

1 minute read Last updated Sep 4 2023
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New fields have been added to 2Performant, Apple Search Ads and more! Here we present our Core Connector update for the month of August. 


We have upgraded our 2Performant integration, and it now includes many new fields. Please see this article for a full list of fields.


Apple Search Ads

We have created a new report type called Campaign, with new optional dimensions:

- Device class (available in all reports)
- Age range (available in Campaign & Ad group reports)
- Gender (available in Campaign & Ad group reports)
- Locality (available in Campaign & Ad group reports)

In addition to the new report type, we have added two new fields:

- Supply sources
- Ad channel type

In this article, you can find out what data is possible to get from Apple Search Ads.



For our Snapchat connector, we have added two new metrics:

- Earned impressions
- Paid impressions



We have added a Conversions report to Basis, with the following new fields:

- Conversion ID
- Click conversions
- Click conversion revenue
- View conversions
- View conversions revenue
- Delivery source ID

Read more about our Basis connector here.


Google Analytics

We have new non-agg metrics for GA4:

Session conversion rate as well as Session Conversion rates for specific conversion event types.

User conversion rate already existed but now we also support User conversion rates for specific conversion event types.

In addition, we have added the new metric Discount amount to GA4.

Find more information about our Google Analytics connector here.


Google Trends

You now have the possibility to connect sources on Region/City level, as opposed to before when only Worldwide or Country were available.



We have a new field added for the Insights report: Insertion Order ID


HubSpot Deals

We have added the field Deal owner name to our HubSpot Deals connector.



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