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Tableau Connector - New Premium Feature

We’ve just released a new Tableau connector which allows you to export your Funnel data to Tableau, without going via a data warehouse! This new premi...

Taboola - New report type

We've just added an additional report type to our Taboola connection. You can now report on conversion metrics in Funnel! In order to start utilising ...

Row Count - New field

We've just released a new field in Funnel called Row Count, which will help you understand how many rows of data are visible in the Data Explorer and ...

Yandex Direct - New fields

We've just updated our Yandex Direct connector in Funnel. You now have access to additional ad level dimensions! Here's the list of newly supported fi...

Data Processing Limits - Documentation

We've just published Funnel’s official data processing limits. We hope that this information will help avoids timeouts, performance drops, and other v...

Omni Purchase - Facebook Ads connector update

We've just added 73 additional metrics to our Facebook Ads connection in Funnel! You now have access to "omni" (the sum of desktop and mobile) convers...