LinkedIn, TikTok, GA4 and more. These are some of the connector updates from August.

1 minute read Last updated Mar 19 2024
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LinkedIn, TikTok, GA4 and more. These are some of the connector updates that have happened in August.Bing

New dimension:

  • Title Part 3
  • Ad Description 2

The Standard Report in the LinkedIn connector has been updated

  • Ad Type
  • Sponsored Content Direct Sponsored Content
  • Carousel Name
  • Carousel Direct Sponsored Content
  • Video Direct Sponsored Content
  • Conversation Ad Name
  • Conversation Ad Subject
  • Event Ad Name
  • Event Ad Text
  • Event Ad Direct Sponsored Content
  • Single Job Ad Name
  • Single Job Ad Text
  • Single Job Ad Direct Sponsored Content

There’s an update to Reach and Frequency – you can now get 

  • Reach ( 1 day | 7 day | 30 day, Campaign )
  • Average Frequency ( 1 day | 7 day | 30 day, Campaign )
  • Cost per 1,000 member accounts reached ( 1 day | 7 day | 30 day, Campaign)

Additionally, we now support Ad Level Conversion Reports. Get this new report type by first selecting “Conversion report” and then “Ad level” when connecting a LinkedIn data source.

Google Analytics (GA4)

New dimension:

  • Landing page


  • Total Spend Credits (In-App Event)
  • Music Clicks
  • Video Average Watch Time Per Person
  • Video Average Watch Time Per Video View
  • Total Purchase Value (In-App Event)
  • Promotion type
  • Interest
  • Device
  • Behavior


New metrics for the SKAd Network Performance report:

  • Null Conversion Value
  • Null Conversion Value Rate
  • Custom event counter (modelled)

The custom event counters (modeled) are template metrics generated for each custom event the customer have in their app. They are based on Null Conversion Value.

Spotify Ad Studio

  • Ad Status
  • Ad Set Start Date
  • Ad Set End Date
  • Ad Set Status
  • Ad Set Budget


New dimension:

  • Tweet Name (The name of a Tweet)
  • Ad Name (The Ad Name as displayed in Twitter’s UI. Derived from Tweet Name, or Card Name if Tweet Name is not populated.)

Lead Alliance

A new report type has been added:

  • Statistics by Adspace.

This report makes it possible to break down statistics by many already existing dimensions. It also introduces three new metrics:

  • Lead value open
  • Lead value cancelled
  • Lead value confirmed

Rakuten Affiliate Network

Two new metrics have been added:

  • Estimated gross total cost
  • Estimated tracking fee.
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