Dimensions - Automated Country Conversion

1 minute read Last updated May 26 2020
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 When creating or editing a dimension in Funnel, you can now automatically standardize country fields using rules.

Screenshot 2020-05-18 at 14.11.11

All you need to do is select your country dimension, choose the "convert" function and select "to country name" or "to country code".

Here's a quick summary of what these options do:

To country name
Converts known country codes and names to commonly used names.
e.g. 'us', ‘USA’ and `The United States of America' will become ‘United States’.

To country code
Converts known country codes and names to matching 2-letter country codes (ISO_3166-1).
e.g. 'us', 'US', ‘USA’ and `The United States of America' becomes ‘US’.

You can learn more about Funnel's conversion options in this article.

We hope that these new conversion options will make it easier to normalize your country fields. If you have any questions, please contact support@funnel.io and we'll be happy to help.

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