Ross Barrett

Articles byRoss Barrett

Product Marketing Manager at Funnel

Monthly Update Summary - January 2021

Here's a quick summary of everything we released in Funnel during January! You can learn more about each update by clicking on the titles and links th...

Monthly Update Summary - December 2020

Here's a quick summary of everything we released in Funnel during December! You can learn more about each update by clicking on the titles and links t...

Inline Lookup - New feature

We've just released a new feature in Funnel which enables you to populate custom fields by searching for a match in a table and returning the correspo...

Snowflake - Support for new regions

We now support additional Azure regions for our Snowflake Export feature! This connection is now available to Snowflake instances implemented in the f...

User Permissions - New premium feature

We've just released a new feature in Funnel which enables you to restrict a user's ability to change account configurations. The new "Viewer" role lim...

Prisjakt - Connector Update

We've recently updated our Prisjakt connectors in Funnel. We're now using the new API which provides a uniform connection process across all family co...

YouTube - New fields

We've just added seven additional metrics to the 'Time-Based' and 'User Geography' reports that we pull from YouTube. Here's a list of new fields that...

Metrics & Dimensions - New validation error

When trying to save an incomplete custom field in Funnel, you will now receive an error message which highlights the rules that need your attention. P...

Visual update for deprecated fields

Fields that have been deprecated are now visualized in Funnel with a strike-through instead of a greyed out logo. Deprecated fields are normally repla...

Mixpanel - New fields

When creating a new Mixpanel connection in Funnel, you now have the option to select the custom properties you wish to include! You can learn more abo...