Ross Barrett

Articles byRoss Barrett

Product Marketing Manager at Funnel

YouTube - New premium connector

We've just released a new connector in Funnel which enables you to group, analyse and report on your organic YouTube data! You've always been able to ...

New custom dimension template

We've just added an additional custom dimension template to Funnel! You can now use Funnel's standard rules to automatically generate the country code...

New fields for Facebook video ad creative

We've just added two additional dimensions to our Facebook Ads connection in Funnel! You now have access to Creative Video ID & Picture URL. Ad Cr...

Adjust - New report type

We've just added an additional report breakdown to our Adjust connector. You now have the option to connect the cohort report to Funnel! When creating...

AppsFlyer - New field

We now pull an additional dimension from AppsFlyer into Funnel. You now have access to http-referrer under the raw data reports. Providing that you've...

Google Sheets Date Range - New Feature

We’ve just added two new date ranges to our scheduled Google Sheets exports. You can now use 'Yesterday' and 'Last month'. You can learn more about cr...

Snowflake - Support for new region

We now support an additional AWS region (EU Central 1) for our Snowflake Export feature! This connection is now available to Snowflake instances imple...

Facebook Ads - New Breakdowns

We've just released 7 new breakdowns for our Facebook Ads connector, which gives you access to Dynamic Creative Asset fields. Here's a list of the new...

Metrics & Dimensions - New rule operators

When creating or editing custom dimensions or rule-based metrics in Funnel, you now have the option to use two new operators. List of new operators: -...

Mntn - Connector update

Steelhouse has recently made some changes to their API which have now been reflected in Funnel. List of changes to API v2: - The Campaign level report...