Ross Barrett

Articles byRoss Barrett

Product Marketing Manager at Funnel

Metrics & Dimensions - Related fields

When viewing a metric or dimension in Funnel, you can now easily see which other fields rely on a particular field and what it depends on. You can als...

Cake - New report type

We've just added an additional report to our Cake connector! You now have the option to connect the 'Campaign Summary' report to Funnel. When creating...

Facebook Ads - Carousel Card Breakdown

We now support the Carousel Card breakdown from Facebook Ads, which gives you access to an additional metric and some new dimensions. In order to take...

New default landing page

When logging into Funnel or navigating to another account, you will now land on the Data Explorer by default. When logging into Funnel previously, the...

Google My Business - New premium connector

We've just released a Google My Business connector in Funnel! If you're using GMB, you can now connect your account and utilise the data in Funnel! Wh... - New fields

We've just updated our connector in Funnel. You now have access to additional dimensions including Shop name & ID! Here's a list of fi...

Simplifi - New report types

We've just added 2 additional reports to our Simplifi connector! You now have the option to connect the 'Location Performance' and 'Device Type' repor...

Instant regex validation

If you use regex when creating custom dimensions or metrics in Funnel, you can now see if the regex is valid, without opening the "regex tester" windo...

Instagram Insights - New report type

We've just added the "Audience Lifetime" report to our Instagram Insights connection in Funnel! In order to utilise this new report, simply select "Au...

Naver - New fields

We now support some additional metrics from Naver in Funnel! You can now include Sum of ad rank, Average ad rank and View count in your reports. Here'...