GA4, TikTok, Webgains – here are our Connector updates for February

1 minute read Last updated Mar 7 2023
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New fields added for Google Ads, Webgains, Facbook Ads, GA4, and more – here are our Connector updates for February 2023.

Facebook Ads

New "monthly" and "weekly" Frequency metrics for account, campaign, ad set, and ad level


Reach and frequency report:
- Added "Month to date" as an optional time window

- Multiple time windows can be selected within the same data source

- Additional reporting levels have been added (‘Account’, ‘Campaign Group’ & ‘Ad’)

- Additional metrics for ‘Weekly’ and ‘Monthly’ are automatically included when ‘7 Day’ and/or ‘Month to date’ time windows are selected respectively


Our Webgains integration has been updated in accordance with updates to the platform, resulting in some fields being added and some being removed.

Activity report
- Program name
- Publisher ID
- Publisher
- Publisher site ID
- Publisher site

Transactions Report
- Program name
- Number of Sales
- Browser
- Publisher site ID
- Publisher site
- Device model
- Device OS
- Device vendor
- Event ID
- Event type
- Landing page
- Link
- Merchant
- Platform
- Program country
- Transaction country
- Transaction ID
- Transaction voucher code
- Website
- Comment
- Commission Type
- Customer ID
- Date Paid
- Invoice ID
- Lock Date
- Payment Status
- Reason
- Sale Date Time
- Sales Referrer
- Source
- Status Changed Date
- Track Type

Status is no longer available in Activity report, still available in the Transactions report
Product ID and Product name have been removed from the Transactions report

Google Ads/AdWords

New dimension:
- Ad Account Tracking Url Template


"Live" metrics are now available in the basic report:
- LIVE Views
- Effective LIVE Views
- LIVE Product Clicks

And in the Reach and Frequency report:
- LIVE Unique Views


We have added a new report type: "Device report".

Google Analytics GA4

Several fields have been added to the GA4 Standard report:
New dimensions
- Shipping Tier
- Item Affiliation
- Item Variant

New metrics 
- Tax Amount
- Shipping Amount
- Average engagement time per session
- Item added to cart
- Item checkout out
- Item clicked in list
- Item clicked in promotion
- Item viewed
- Item viewed in list
- Item viewed in promotion

New metrics in the GA4 User report:
- Event count per user
- User conversion rate

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