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We’re now putting January behind us by summarizing the product updates from the past month. Listen to Emma Bäck, Content Strategist here at Funnel, presenting the updates for you or read them below!

Users - new report type for Google Analytics 4 

As a step to help you in the move from Universal Analytics to using GA4, we have added a new report type for GA4 called Users. The new report type has two new non-aggregatable metrics:

  • Total Users

  • Active Users

All other metrics already supported can be found in a newly created report type called Standard.

Reworked Google Ads report for search impression share

Search impression share for Google Ads is an important metric for marketers to track, but also a bit tricky to work with when building reports. To improve this, we have reworked the underlying logic of the metrics relating to search impression share and are now happy to release this new option to all users. Test this new report by setting up a new Google Ads Data Source and select “Reported impression shares” in the connect dialogue. 

We have also written a blog post that goes into depth on the topic of search impression share, what it’s used for and a step-by-step guide on how you can get started. Check it out here!  

Schedule weekly cadence for Google Sheets and Data Warehouse Shares

We have added the option to schedule a Share to export on a weekly cadence. This is a good option if you don’t need daily exports of your data and means that you can now schedule your export on a specific day and time. This is applicable for all scheduled Shares to both Google Sheets and Data Warehouses. 

Summary table for Snowflake 

Similar to the feature already existing for Google BigQuery, we have added the option to send the latest Data Share run status to a separate table in Snowflake. Each run will create a new row in an export_summary table that you can use to make sure the data is up to date or to build custom logic upon.

New fields and metrics

Many new metrics and fields have been added to our connectors. Visit our blog to see the complete list of all updates!

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