New Adobe Analytics authentication using service accounts

1 minute read Last updated Jul 17 2020
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  • Gustav Karlsson
    Written by Gustav Karlsson

    Gustav joined Funnel in 2017 and works as a Product Manager

In line with Adobe's recommendations Funnel's Adobe Analytics connector is now utilising JWT service accounts for authentication. This applies to all new authentication being made with the connector. In practice this means that whenever you are creating a brand new source or re-authenticating an existing source you need to supply Funnel with Adobe service account credentials.

The previous Web Services authentication has been deprecated by Adobe in favor of the JWT service accounts authentication model. Service accounts are simple to set up and more compatible with current security and privacy standards like two-factor authentication (2FA) . 

You are not required to re-authenticate existing sources at this point, they will continue to download data like normal until further notice.

For more detailed information on the new authentication flow and how to create service accounts in Adobe please have a look at this knowledge base article.

If you have any questions you're always welcome to reach out to us at!

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