Product updates for October

1 minute read Last updated Nov 7 2023
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November is here and we are eagerly waiting for the first snow here in Northern Europe. In the meantime sit back, relax and have a look at what new features and updates we have for you this month! 👌🏼

This month's video summary of the updates is presented by Julien Kérébel, Customer Success Partner here at Funnel.

Date range - Data Warehouse and Google Sheets shares

We have added the option to use “Yesterday” as the last date for shared data to Google Sheets & Data Warehouse shares. This is a great option to use if you want to make sure partial data from “today” is not included in the share.


Improved Lookup rule feedback

We have added new feedback to the Lookup rule in Funnel. When viewing lookup rules - can see which source the lookup is done from and get a link to data explorer showing the data. In addition, when editing lookups you get feedback if the number of rows in the source selected is higher than the recommended limit, guiding you to potential performance improvements that can be made.


New file format for shares - Parquet

We have added the option to choose Parquet as the file format for new shares to Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Blob Storage, Amazon S3 and SFTP. Parquet is a storage format for analytical querying, designed to support fast data processing for complex data. This feature is available right now for all customers on our Enterprise price plan. 


New fields and metrics

This month we have new fields and metrics for both Tradedoubler, Yelp and Appsflyer. To read all about the updates to our connectors, go to our blog post

More updates from Funneltiktok-ads (1)

The time is now to start running TikTok Ads. We're seeing a big move to the platform due to cheap CPM's and a huge audience of all ages. Don't worry about big expensive creatives, start small, test how it fits into your existing channel mix and scale from there.

To help you get started, check out the video guide our growth manager Alexander Billington has put together!

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