Pinterest - More breakdowns for the Frequency metric

1 minute read Last updated Jun 22 2021
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  • Gustav Karlsson
    Written by Gustav Karlsson

    Gustav joined Funnel in 2017 and works as a Product Manager

It is now possible to collect data for Pinterest's Frequency metric with more flexibility.

Because of how Frequency is defined it is not possible to aggregate values of this metric and get accurate results. In order to manage this complexity, Funnel offers different variants of the Frequency metric when connecting data sources. This update lets you connect data sources with more Frequency variants, more specifically:

  • Frequency 1 Day, Campaign
  • Frequency 1 Day, Ad Group
  • Frequency 1 Day, Product Group
  • Frequency 1 Day, Pin Promotion


To read more about non-aggregatable metrics, have a look at this knowledge base article.

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