PriceRunner - New Conversions report type

1 minute read Last updated Jun 23 2021
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  • Gustav Karlsson
    Written by Gustav Karlsson

    Gustav joined Funnel in 2017 and works as a Product Manager

The Pricerunner connector in Funnel has a brand new report type: Conversions.With the addition of this new report type, the data fetched before is now in its own report type named Click & Cost. These are the fields available:

Common fields:

  • Merchant ID
  • Merchant Name
  • Clicks (Can cause double counting if both reports are used)
Click & Cost report:
  • Category
  • Cost
Conversions report:
  • Conversions
  • Order value
  • Conversion rate
Report type selection is available at connect and to use the new Conversions report you need to connect a new data source. Please note that Clicks is included in both reports and can cause double counting if both reports are connected in the same account.


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