Category Linkedin

LinkedIn: Creative Media URL

A new dimension added for the Standard report of our LinkedIn connector: Creative Media URL. What data can I get from LinkedIn?

LinkedIn: two new fields

Two new fields have been added to Funnel's LinkedIn connector: The dimension "Campaign type" and the metric "Reactions", now available for all regular...

LinkedIn: See the creation time of a sponsored post

A new field has been added for the standard report: "Created At (ISO)" - representing the creation time of a sponsored post. See our knowledge base ar...

LinkedIn Organic - See how your total number of followers develop over time

It's now possible to collect data for your current number of followers on your LinkedIn page. With the new Total Followers option you can get data by ...

Linkedin - Video title, InMail subject and Creative title

Three new fields are now available in the Standard report for our LinkedIn connector. • Video title • InMail subject • Creative title Creative title i...

LinkedIn - Non-aggregatable metrics on Account level

It’s now possible to get non-aggregatable metrics on Account level through the LinkedIn connector! This will give you the metrics Reach, Frequency, Im...