Category Spotify-ad-studio

Google Ads, GA4 and The Trade Desk - April Core Connector updates

We have added new Report Types and fields to Google Ads, Google Analytics 4, The Trade Desk and more! Here we present our April Core Connector updates...

Yahoo Japan Search, Spotify Ads, Amazon Selling Partner - Core Connectors updated

New fields and dimensions have been added to Yahoo Japan Search, Spotify Ads, Amazon Selling Partner, and more – here are our Core Connector updates f...

LinkedIn, TikTok, GA4 and more. These are some of the connector updates from August.

LinkedIn, TikTok, GA4 and more. These are some of the connector updates that have happened in August.Bing New dimension: Title Part 3 Ad Description 2...

Off Spotify Impressions

Spotify recently started supporting a new metrics: Off Spotify impressions. This metric measures impressions for podcasts served off Spotify. It is cu...

Spotify Ad Studio – Ad play percentage fields

Funnel's Spotify connector now supports Ad played to 25%, Ad played to 50%, Ad played to 75% and Ad played to 100%. See all available fields here.

Spotify Ad Studio – Ad listens

We've expanded our Spotify Ad Studio connector to include the metric "Ad listens". This metric has been in demand, mainly because it's used to calcula...

Spotify Ad Studio - New connector

We just released a new connector to Spotify Ad Studio! Funnels Spotify connector automatically collects all performance data from Spotify Ad Studio. T...