Category The-trade-desk

Google Ads, GA4 and The Trade Desk - April Core Connector updates

We have added new Report Types and fields to Google Ads, Google Analytics 4, The Trade Desk and more! Here we present our April Core Connector updates...

The Trade Desk, Google Ads and LinkedIn Organic - March Core Connector updates

We have added new Report Types to The Trade Desk, Google Ads and LinkedIn Organic and more! Here we present our March Core Connector updates. The Trad...

The Trade Desk: Data for advertiser only

A new report has been made available for The Trade Desk: "Advertiser ONLY Ad Group Performance Report". This report is available for users with “Adver...

The Trade Desk - More conversion metrics

Funnel's The Trade Desk connector has been updated with many, many more conversion metrics. The added metrics are made up of a long list of different ...