Category Marketing-reporting-stack

Creating your agency health check dashboard

Digital marketing is a fast-paced environment that changes frequently. To stay ahead, a marketing agency needs to effectively manage multiple campaign...

reporting at scale

Reporting at scale with iO

The world’s most successful agencies serve many clients at once, each bringing multiple projects worth of work. At the same time, each project may hav...

Top BI Tools

Top 5 BI tools (and 3 MI tools) for 2024

All rivers meet at the ocean. Those beautifully clear ocean waters gently lulling at the edge of a sunny island are made up of thousands of rivers fro...

how to measure marketing

How do we measure marketing success?

Imagine sitting in a boardroom, and a confident agency representative presents your quarterly marketing performance. They have analyzed your data with...

monitoring vs reporting

Monitoring vs. reporting – what’s the difference?

Does the thought of reporting week send a shiver down your spine? You're not alone. Many marketers dread the days leading up to the deadline for repor...

mmm vs mta

Multi-touch attribution vs. marketing mix modeling

Marketing mix modeling (MMM) and multi-touch attribution (MTA) are key methods in marketing analytics. While MMM offers a macro-level view of marketin...