New dimensions - Data Origin identifier & Data Source definition label

1 minute read Last updated Oct 9 2020
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  • Gustav Karlsson
    Written by Gustav Karlsson

    Gustav joined Funnel in 2017 and works as a Product Manager

To make it easier for users to understand and manage connected data sources we are introducing two new dimensions: Data Origin identifier & Data Source definition label.

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Data Origin identifier

The values in this dimension are meant to identify the origin of the data that is being pulled in through a data source in Funnel. The values are combinations of strings denoting data source types and IDs for connected data source accounts. An example value for the Facebook Ads data source type would be "facebook:864284349999", where the number represents a Facebook ad account ID.

Data Source definition label

This dimension contains the definition labels associated with connected data sources. The definition labels are meant to give an understanding of how a data source is configured in that it displays the choices that were made when connecting the data source. The definition label is also available on the data source listing in the Data Sources view.

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Both of these dimensions can be helpful in avoiding double counting of metrics due to adding multiple data sources for the same data source account, which might be necessary in order for you to have access to different breakdowns of the data.


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