Google Analytics - New and renamed dimensions for GA4

1 minute read Last updated Aug 3 2021
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  • Gustav Karlsson
    Written by Gustav Karlsson

    Gustav joined Funnel in 2017 and works as a Product Manager

The set of dimensions available when connecting Google Analytics with a GA4 property has been updated.

This update brings a set of brand new dimensions to the connector and also introduces some name changes to existing dimensions.

New dimensions for GA4:

  • User Google Ads Creative ID
  • First User Google Ads Keyword Text
  • First User Google Ads Query
  • First User Traffic Origin
  • Full Page URL
  • Google Ads: Keyword Text
  • Google Ads: Query
  • Page Path

Renamed dimensions for GA4:

  • User Campaign -> First User Campaign
  • User Campaign ID -> First User Campaign ID
  • User Google Ads Ad Group ID -> First User Google Ads Ad Group ID
  • User Google Ads Ad Group Name -> First User Google Ads Ad Group Name
  • User Google Ads Ad Network Type ->First User Google Ads Ad Network Type
  • User Medium -> First User Medium
  • User Source -> First User Source
  • Page Path -> Page Path + Query String

The GA4 API is still in beta and Google is continuously making changes and adding more and more fields. We will keep making updates to the connector in Funnel to accommodate for these changes as time progress.

To read more about the data available from Google Analytics, jump into our knowledge base.

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