Thomas Frenkiel

Articles by Thomas Frenkiel

Thomas has over 10 years of marketing experience. After working in media and SEO agencies for 8 years, he joined Funnel in 2022.

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Monochrome open book

Glossary - Cost per Mille (CPM)

CPM definition Mille is Latin for one thousand, so cost per mille (CPM) means cost per thousand. In the context of advertising, cost per mille is the ...

geo test and geo holdout test

All you need to know about geo holdout testing

Understanding the effectiveness of campaigns gives marketers several advantages. From adjusting spend for maximum results to advising stakeholders whe...


Glossary - Cost per acquisition (CPA)

CPA, which stands for Cost per Acquisition, is a widely used metric in the online advertising space. Here's what is is, how to calculate it and why it...

marketing reporting

Why marketers need to stop reporting

That headline might have you reaching for your pitchforks and torches, but hold on! We're not advocating for the death of marketing reports altogether...

Marketing Data

Glossary - Customer lifetime value (CLV)

Your marketing efforts are more impactful when you understand what's keeping your current audience and target customers happy. Various metrics measure...


Glossary: Pay-per-click (PPC)

In short: Pay-per-click (PPC) in marketing is an advertising model where businesses pay each time their ad is clicked. This method helps target intere...

Google algorithm changes

The SEO pro's guide to handling Google algorithm updates

After months spent honing your site's SEO strategy, you finally start seeing better results in Google and other search engines. You think about hostin...

monitoring vs reporting
Reporting Data

Monitoring vs. reporting – what’s the difference?

Does the thought of reporting week send a shiver down your spine? You're not alone. Many marketers dread the days leading up to the deadline for repor...

ad fatigue

What is ad fatigue and how to prevent it

We’ve all been there before (especially as marketers). You see a shiny new ad for the first time. It’s clever and looks great. You might even wish you...

Google Ads headlines optimizer

Optimize Google Ads headlines with these 11 expert tips

Imagine this: you've just spent hours crafting the perfect Google Ads campaign, pouring in all your creativity, hard work and expertise. You sit back,...