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  • Sean Dougherty
    Written by Sean Dougherty

    A copywriter at Funnel, Sean has more than 15 years of experience working in branding and advertising (both agency and client side). He's also a professional voice actor.

Ah, to be an e-commerce marketer. You compete your hardest against an ever-growing sea of competitors every day, but at the same time you also have the most advanced toolset in history.

To approach the market with an outdated one-size-fits-all marketing strategy that treats every potential consumer the same is crazy. Especially when 71% of shoppers say they feel frustrated when a customer experience is impersonal (Ninetailed).

Today's top e-commerce marketers go all in with personalization efforts. They aim to create curated experiences across all touchpoints that are so tailored, customers feel you know them personally – their preferences, needs, and desires. With the plethora of advanced technology available to us today, marketers can simulate the experience of a concierge or personal shopper across a variety of platforms and points of sale. 

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An e-commerce personalization strategy can create loyal customers, while lack of customization can turn shoppers off.

Take social media, for instance. It's hard to ignore the highly targeted product suggestions that appear as you scroll through Instagram or TikTok — each remarkably aligned with your interests and seemingly handpicked just for you. This is the power of a personalization strategy in action. It transforms every interaction into an opportunity to impress, captivate, and persuade. This feature empowers e-commerce sites to strike a personal chord with each visitor, harnessing data analytics and advanced AI to broaden personalized experiences across extensive product ranges and varied customer demographics.

Bearing this in mind, it becomes clear why personalization is emerging as a crucial component in e-commerce tactics. It's recognized for enhancing customer experience, and therefore increasing involvement, loyalty, and revenue.

Did you know:

  • 83% of consumers are willing to share their data to "receive the benefits of a personalized experience". (Optinmonk)
  • 74% of marketers claim that e-commerce personalization has a "strong" or "extreme" impact on online retailers. (Optinmonk)
  • 56% of online customers are more likely to come back to a site that offered recommendations, while 44% of customers who experience personalized experiences say they’ll become repeat buyers. (Ninetailed)

So what are the initial steps towards implementing e-commerce personalization? And what are the fundamental elements of an impactful personalization approach?

The benefits of e-commerce personalization

A personalization strategy has risen to prominence as a formidable marketing approach for e-commerce brands, and justifiably so. Whether it involves displaying pertinent products, tailoring emails, or customizing your website for each visitor, it all boils down to one outcome: an improved customer journey. Let's delve deeper into the primary advantages of personalization in the e-commerce sector.

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The benefits of e-commerce personalization include creating loyal customers and improving customer experience.

1. Increased engagement and conversion rates

E-commerce personalization has a profound impact on shopper behavior. It can elevate customer engagement and heighten the likelihood of successful conversions. When communications, promotions, and recommendations are specifically adapted to align with each individual's distinct preferences and tastes, the potential to grab their attention increases significantly. This enhanced focus boosts the chance of turning individuals into customers. It also creates new opportunities for additional sales and higher order values through strategies like cross-selling and upselling.

Studies reveal that an effective personalization strategy can drive a 10 to 15% increase in revenue for most businesses. Those at the forefront of personalization may even reach or surpass a 25% increase.

2. Better customer loyalty and retention

Imagine e-commerce personalization as the creation of a unique language spoken between your brand and each customer. This language is composed of the subtle cues and preferences gleaned from their interactions with your business, similar to a friend who knows you so well that they can predict what you’ll love next. For instance, consider a small bookstore that remembers a customer's penchant for mystery novels and surprises them with a first look at a new release from their favorite author. This kind of personal touch can turn your customers into lasting, loyal customers and brand advocates.

Yet, personalization transcends beyond being merely advantageous for businesses – it has become a critical expectation among consumers. Recent data shows that 62% of consumers now expect personalized experiences, and a failure to deliver on this front can lead to a loss of business. This percentage marks a significant rise from 45% in the preceding year. It highlights the increasing value of an e-commerce personalization strategy in the current consumer landscape.

3. Elevated customer satisfaction

The scope of e-commerce personalization extends further than just driving sales and retaining a customer base. It significantly uplifts customer satisfaction. By proactively understanding and meeting customer needs, businesses can offer a shopping experience that is more satisfying and deeply fulfilling. Tailoring interactions to ensure customers continually find relevant and appealing products, services, and offers is key. The objective is to fulfill their needs and desires at precisely the right moment.

Picture a fashion retailer that uses local weather data to send personalized communications. As a cold front approaches a customer's location, they receive a personalized email acknowledging the coming winter storm and product recommendations for cozy apparel. These could include items they've previously shown interest in, like warm boots and knit sweaters. These types of timely and relevant interactions demonstrate the retailer's attentiveness to the customer's immediate needs, encouraging a thoughtful and serendipitous purchase.

Such a detailed focus on catering to individual preferences can elevate a routine transaction into a positively memorable experience. This makes customers feel cherished and comprehended, fostering a more profound emotional connection with the brand.

The result? An enhanced sense of trust and reliability that turns customers into brand advocates who refer your business to others.

E-commerce personalization examples in the customer journey

A personalization strategy should evolve with the customer journey, treating each interaction as a unique opportunity to enhance the customer's experience. Your brand can identify and act on distinct preferences and behaviors at key moments: discovery, purchase, and post-sale interactions. This targeted approach ensures each touchpoint adds real value while cementing a lasting, personalized connection with every customer. While tactics overlap at different stages, here are some specific examples of how you can apply personalization throughout the customer journey.

1. Pre-purchase: leveraging customer data

In the brief window to capture a potential customer's interest, leveraging personalization becomes critical to make that fleeting moment impactful. This approach can include creating custom-tailored advertisements influenced by the user's browsing or purchase history, curating personalized emails with bespoke product suggestions, or engaging in smart retargeting campaigns. For example, retargeting ads can be a discreet reminder to customers who have left items in their cart. This can potentially reignite their interest in those selections.

However, it's important to acknowledge the impending shift due to Google's decision to discontinue third-party cookies. This change could disrupt retargeting strategies. It might also reduce the amount of consumer data available for personalization. Businesses will, therefore, be pressed to find innovative and privacy-respectful methods to collect and utilize customer data while still providing personalized experiences.

One promising direction is to focus on first-party data. This is the information gathered directly from customer interactions with your brand. Examples include email registrations, survey responses, and participation in loyalty programs.

Alternatively, businesses could explore contextual targeting. This involves placing ads based on the website's content or the context of what is being viewed instead of relying on individual user data. Despite these challenges, personalization is poised to remain a crucial ingredient in the recipe for successful, contemporary marketing strategies.

2. Purchase: simplifying the buying process

The objective of the purchasing phase on any e-commerce site is to streamline the buying process, making it as simple and intuitive as possible. Personalization plays a key role in achieving this.

Payment methods

Payment methods are pivotal in streamlining the purchasing phase, inching closer to the e-commerce marketers' 'holy grail' — the frictionless one-click purchase. By personalizing the checkout experience, we can significantly expedite the process. This personalization includes:

  • Remembering customers' favored payment methods and securely displaying only the last four digits of their preferred credit card to balance convenience with security.
  • Giving precedence to widely used payment services like PayPal and incorporating options like Apple Pay, which are instrumental in achieving the seamless one-click purchase that many consumers now expect.

Such tailored payment solutions offer a convenient way to quicken checkout and align with the modern shopper's desire for swift, secure, and hassle-free transactions.

Shipping address
E-commerce sites can store shipping details to speed up future purchases. For example, automatically selecting a customer's preferred shipping address eliminates the need for repetitive data entry.

Geography-based personalization
Geolocation personalization, while not individualized, is vital for a global audience. Offering region-specific payment and shipping options appeals to local tastes and practices. This can potentially reduce cart abandonment and boost conversions.

A seamless and personalized buying experience is now expected in a world accustomed to Amazon-like instant purchases. This involves recalling customer preferences, simplifying navigation, and removing purchase barriers. It's about easing the journey from shopping cart to order confirmation. 

3. Post-purchase: enhancing customer satisfaction

The post-purchase stage is crucial for fostering enduring customer relationships. Here, personalization focuses on maintaining engagement and satisfaction after the sale. Personalized emails are vital in this stage. They typically include order confirmations, shipping updates, and personalized thank-you messages.

Apart from emails, customized loyalty programs encourage repeat business. Tailoring these programs with rewards or discounts based on previous purchases fosters exclusivity and gratitude. It shows customers that their loyalty and choices are valued.brief quote (1)

Advanced personalization examples for e-commerce

As technology evolves, so do the opportunities for e-commerce personalization. These strategies leverage the latest technology and social media trends to enhance the brand and foster stronger customer connections.

1) Leveraging AI for predictive personalization

While many e-commerce businesses use basic personalization, such as product recommendations and segmented emails, AI marketing tools now enable advanced predictive personalization. Here are examples:

  1. AI-enhanced product discovery: An AI-driven search engine on your e-commerce site can revolutionize product discovery. It offers suggestions as users type, manages typos, provides synonyms, and uses behavioral data for relevant, real-time search results. For example, if a customer previously showed interest in running gear, the AI algorithm could prioritize running pants over denim in their searches. 
  2. Personalizing the browsing experience: Aside from search, many customers use on-page navigation to find products. AI can dynamically re-rank products for each customer based on their current and past shopping behaviors. For example, if a customer frequently browses women's categories, AI can position these items higher in their navigation menus. This helps to streamline the product discovery process.
  3. Automating content creation: AI supports the creation of new digital assets and the adaptation of existing ones. This includes automated tasks like removing backgrounds from images. It also includes creating 3D models of products and generating a series of 2D images for use across the e-commerce site. These capabilities save time and enable the production of high-quality, personalized content at scale.
  4. Producing variations for different channels: AI can automatically adapt content for different channels and devices, resizing images for various aspect ratios and reconfiguring content to fit formats like emails, social media ads, or website banners. This ensures a consistent and personalized experience across all platforms.

2. Personalizing customer interactions with chatbots

Chatbots have become a popular way for businesses to interact with their customers. AI enables chatbots to engage in impressive natural language conversations. These chatbots then provide personalized recommendations or assistance based on the customer's needs.

A prime example of effective chatbot use is the "Ask H&M" bot. It assists customers in choosing the right size and style, leading to a decrease in return rates. Similarly, Sephora's chatbot helps customers with product questions and even suggests makeup video tutorials.

When implementing chatbots in e-commerce, it is important to define clear business goals. Ensure the chatbot's conversations not only match the brand's tone and personality but are also regularly refined based on customer feedback to provide value-driven, proactive assistance. The goal should always be to enhance customer satisfaction and drive sales. 

You can integrate chatbots on various pages of an e-commerce site, such as the homepage, product pages, and checkout process. This ensures customers receive prompt and relevant assistance at every step of their journey.

3. Social media integration for personalized engagement

Integrating social media into your e-commerce personalization strategy opens up a dynamic avenue for enhancing customer engagement and driving sales. Platforms such as Instagram and TikTok are not just social spaces; they're vibrant ecosystems where personalized content thrives, and immersive shopping experiences come to life. Through these platforms, you have the unprecedented ability to tailor your messaging in real time, respond to trends instantly, and engage with customers through stories, live streams, and interactive features. The following are essential strategies and considerations to remember when integrating social media and personalization.

Personalization through social media insights

  • Audience analysis: The in-depth analytics tools provided by social media platforms are a rich source of information about audience preferences, activities, and interests. This data is instrumental in shaping e-commerce marketing strategies, allowing for the fine-tuning of product suggestions and the crafting of compelling content.
  • Focused segmentation and advertising: Advanced segmentation features from these platforms enable the creation of highly specific ads. For example, you can design ads that resonate with users who have engaged with similar products or share certain lifestyle interests.

Utilizing user-created content

  • Promoting customer engagement: The inherently interactive aspect of social media can help you motivate customers to share their product experiences. Such campaigns yield invaluable content and aid in fostering a community centered around your company.
  • Demonstrating authentic usage: By publicizing user-generated content across your social media channels and website, you'll be able to showcase actual customers enjoying your products. This can enhance trust and add a personalized dimension to your brand.

Tailoring shopping experiences on social media

  • Interactive and direct shopping features: The shoppable functions of platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow customers to make purchases directly from posts or stories. You can even customize these features to reflect user preferences and past interactions with your brand.
  • Engaging with interactive tools: Interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions offer deeper engagement and provide insights that inform future content and product strategies.

Seamlessly integrating with e-commerce

  • Smooth transition to e-commerce sites: It's important to facilitate an effortless move from social media to your e-commerce platform. Direct product links and an intuitive shopping interface will help ensure that potential customers don't face any hurdles while making a purchase.
  • Data-driven retargeting and follow-up: Leveraging the power of data analytics and insights from both social media interactions and e-commerce behaviors, you can develop sophisticated retargeting strategies that reconnect with users who have shown interest but haven't completed a purchase. 

4. Adopting an omnichannel personalization approach

Beyond the precision of social media targeting, embracing a broader view of omnichannel personalization is crucial. You want to ensure that every interaction with your customers, from social media and emails to mobile apps and in-store visits, feels like part of an ongoing conversation. This is what true omnichannel personalization looks like — each customer touchpoint is interlinked, crafting a seamless, unified customer journey.

Integrating marketing mix modeling (MMM) into omnichannel personalization strategies can significantly amplify their effectiveness. MMM is a data-driven technique that allows you to measure the impact of each marketing channel on sales and optimize your media investments accordingly. With the rise of data privacy regulations and Google's decision to phase out third-party cookies, MMM is gaining more traction as a viable solution for accurate attribution modeling and ROI evaluation for omnichannel personalized marketing campaigns. Learn more about the power of MMM in our recent interview with our VP of Measurement, János Moldvay, and Head of Measurement and Data Science Tim Kreienkamp.

The importance of integrating and synchronizing data across customer touchpoints lies through all this. You can gain a holistic view of customer interactions, preferences, and behaviors by harnessing the power of a centralized data platform like Funnel. This data consolidation is essential for creating a consistent and personalized experience, regardless of where a customer engages with your brand.

What to consider moving forward

E-commerce personalization has established itself as a fundamental practice for brands seeking to excel in a packed online marketplace. Your ability to deliver tailored shopping experiences can significantly boost your customer loyalty and increase your profits. A personal touch, from intelligent product recommendations to personalized marketing communications, sets successful e-commerce businesses apart. 

Looking ahead, the trajectory of e-commerce personalization points to ever-more sophisticated technologies. These technologies will aid brands in understanding and catering to individual needs. As data analytics and artificial intelligence evolve, so will the precision of your personalization tactics. This progression will likely foster an even more dynamic, responsive shopping environment.

Embrace the full spectrum of personalization tools and strategies available to you. Consider your customer data not merely as numbers. Instead, view it as a map to genuine human interactions and a gateway to building lasting relationships with your clientele.


What is e-commerce personalization?

E-commerce personalization is the practice of creating tailored experiences for your online customers. These experiences are based on their behavior, preferences, and data.

How does personalization affect customer experience?

Personalization enhances customer experience by showing relevant content, recommendations, and offers. The goal is to make shopping more intuitive and enjoyable.

Benefits Examples
Increased engagement Product recommendations based on past views
Higher conversion rates Personalized emails with items of interest
Customer retention Tailored discounts and offers


Can small e-commerce stores implement personalization?

Yes, even small stores can adopt personalization tactics. There are a variety of e-commerce personalization platform tools that offer easy-to-use personalization features. Some simple options include using customer data to create targeted email campaigns. You can also implement product recommendation widgets on your website.

Is personalization expected by online shoppers?

Yes, many online shoppers expect a personalized experience. This is especially true for brands they have engaged with before.

What are some key tactics in e-commerce personalization?

  • Personalized product recommendations
  • Customized email marketing campaigns
  • Dynamic content display based on user behavior
  • Tailored discounts and offers
  • Personalized landing pages for different customer segments

How can personalization improve sales?

Customers are more likely to engage with a personalized shopping experience. This leads to increased conversions and, ultimately, higher sales.

What role does data play in e-commerce personalization?

Data is essential for understanding customer behavior and preferences. It allows for targeted and effective personalization efforts. Some types of data used include:

  • Browsing history
  • Purchase history
  • Demographic information
  • Real-time behavior on the website
Contributors Dropdown icon
  • Sean Dougherty
    Written by Sean Dougherty

    A copywriter at Funnel, Sean has more than 15 years of experience working in branding and advertising (both agency and client side). He's also a professional voice actor.