Emma Bertilsson

Articles byEmma Bertilsson

Emma Bertilsson is a product manager at Funnel

RTB House - Connector update

We just migrated to the new API version (from v4 to v5). During this move following fields have been deprecated: Impression Cost and Click Cost, as th...

Partnerize -  New fields: Item conversions and Conversions

We now support new fields for the Item conversions and Conversions report. Customer reference and Click time has been added to the Item conversion rep...

LinkedIn - Reach and Frequency

It’s now possible to import non-aggregatable metrics through the LinkedIn connector! Following metrics are available on a Campaign level with 1 Day ti...

Bing - All conversions metric

A new metric is now available from the Bing connector. The All Conversions metric is available for all reports with regular metrics (i.e not the non-a...

Google Sheet Export - Credentials are now editable

It is now possible to change the Google credentials used for exporting data to a Google Sheet. By clicking "Edit on your Google Sheet export you can c...

Google Search Console - Connector update

We now allow you to add query filters when connecting a Google Search Console data source. This has been requested from our users and will help you ge...

Google Ads API update: Landing Page report

You can now access the Landing Page report via the Google Ads API. It was previously only available via the Adwords API.

Bing - Hour of day dimension

We now have a new breakdown available in the Bing connector which is Hourly. This breakdown includes the dimension Hour of Day and enables you to view...

Pardot Activities - New premium connector

The Pardot Activities connector has just been released! Note that this connector is premium and you will have to get in touch with us to get access to...

Google Analytics - Custom Integer Metrics

The Google Analytics connector got updated and new fields are now available. If you have created your own Custom Metrics with the type of integer in G...