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for marketers

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What is data cleaning? Your complete guide.

Data cleaning is an integral part of every savvy digital marketer’s tool belt. Data cleaning is often considered the foundational step of the data ana...

geo maps with Data Studio

How to create geo maps in Google Data Studio

Geo maps are a great resource to quickly analyze campaign performance in Google Data Studio. They can give you a quick snapshot of which countries and...

data transformation examples

Data transformation examples

When it comes to working effectively with data from multiple sources, transformation will inevitably become a critical part of your process. As we’ve ...

tree representing the reliability of data

What is data reliability in marketing?

What is data reliability? Data reliability is the consistency of your data - that you get the data you expect, when and how you expect it. Data reliab...

What is data wrangling? A cowboy-style explanation

There are several symbolic visuals that can represent the American West. However, few of them are as powerful (or as popular) as the cowboy. Rugged. S...

Data mapping is to prevent putting oranges with apples

Your guide to data mapping

As the old saying goes, you can’t compare apples and oranges. Nor can you compare grandmothers and toads, cows and long johns, or honey and butter. Ma...

data transformation

Which data transformation tools are best for digital marketers?

As we covered in a recent article, data transformation is a critical part of data maintenance and analysis. But what data transformation tools are ava...

GA4 events What are events in Google Analytics 4

Events in Google Analytics 4 explained

If you watched our video about the benefits of Google Analytics 4 vs Universal Analytics, you will have noticed that benefit number 2 discussed how ev...

Data transformation explained

What is data transformation?

The question of “what is data transformation” can have a wide array of answers that range from surface level overviews to heavy, deep explorations tha...

GA4 vs Universal Analytics - 7 key differences

During 2023, the deprecation of Universal Analytics (UA) got underway, finally making way for Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Despite GA4 being the default ...