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for marketers

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The importance of data cleaning in marketing analytics

This post is an expansion on an excellent piece titled “Data Cleaning IS Analysis, Not Grunt Work” by Randy Au, here in the context of marketing analy...

unexpected forms of ab testing funnel tips

Unexpected Forms of A/B Testing

Left or right? Option one or two? A or B? A/B testing is one of the trademark tools of digital marketers. But did you know that there are several diff...

SMART goals for digital marketing

SMART goals for digital marketing

Goals have a quirky quality, not very different from new year’s resolutions. If you’re not intentional with them, it doesn’t take long until they go t...

The benefits of Google Analytics 4

In this video, we discuss Google analytics 4, which if you're not familiar, is Google’s newest analytics product set to replace the version of Google ...

PPC vs Marketplaces: Finding Your Marketing Mix

The main difference between PPC and marketplaces is that PPC drives traffic to your website or webshop, while advertising on marketplaces will lead vi...

Data aggregation explained in 2 minutes

Data aggregation explained in 2 minutes

In this video, we discuss what data aggregation actually means and why it's important to be able to understand your marketing data. You can either wat...

What is Facebook’s Aggregated Events Measurement? Funnel Tips

What is Facebook’s Aggregated Events Measurement?

If you’re advertising on Facebook, you may have heard about their Aggregated Events Measurement, or AEM, that came out earlier in 2021. This was a dir...

The 6-point list to do kickass marketing reporting

The questions digital marketers have about reporting (and the answers)

Funnel asked 1000+ digital marketers what they wanted to know about marketing reporting, and we have the answers. Keep reading if you want to know wha...

Do you need an attribution tool?

Do you need an attribution tool?

Attribution is a buzzword that has dominated marketing conversations forever. Every marketer wants to know how to do it but can’t seem to put their fi...

Video on SEO performance dashboards

Why you need an SEO performance dashboard

Are you using an organic SEO dashboard? Today, let's discuss the importance of SEO dashboards. You probably have dashboards for paid marketing and web...