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Blog about marketing,
for marketers

Your source for best practices, tips, and helpful hints to become a pro data-driven marketer. Subscribe and stay up to date on the latest trends.

How to hit your digital marketing out of the park

Data has always been vital to marketers for optimizing their digital marketing campaigns - at least for the good ones. In the 80s, David Ogilvy wrote ...

Top 5 challenges when moving your digital marketing in house

Top 5 challenges when moving your digital marketing in house

Are you thinking about moving your marketing in house? Want to know how to avoid the risks? I've compiled a list of the most common challenges for dig...

How to use Abandoned Cart Retargeting

Cart abandonment is one of the problems that's been bothering eCommerce retailers and marketers alike. Luckily, modern technology gives marketing prof...

The pros and cons to in-housing your advertising

What does it mean to have an in-house advertising team? For those unfamiliar with the term in-housing, I’m referring to the process of transitioning f...

Impact of iOS 14 on Mobile Advertising hero image

The Impact of iOS 14 on Mobile Advertising

In June 2020, Apple shocked the mobile marketing world with the announcement of their new App Tracking Transparency Framework (ATT). It was originally...

Data Studio Templates for Ecommerce Marketers

Looker Studio Templates for Ecommerce Marketers

As an ecommerce marketer you have access to a lot of data about the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. The challenge comes when you’re looking...

How to measure the success of your Q5 Campaigns

For e-commerce marketers it’s all about the lead up to the holiday season during Q4, and for many e-commerce companies it can be the most profitable t...

From Attribution Modeling to Reporting: a Multi-Touch Attribution Solution with Funnel & Looker

From Attribution Modeling to Reporting: a Multi-Touch Attribution Solution with Funnel & Looker

Since the beginning of marketing, businesses have attempted to understand the influence their marketing activities have on their bottom-line. Today, M...

How does Funnel think about attribution models

How Does the Funnel Team Think About Attribution

The digital marketing landscape is one of endless opportunities. With an ever-growing set of tools and platforms to choose from, there is no shortage ...

Build vs. Buy - Marketing Data Infrastructure

To make your business truly data-driven you need to have full control over the data. A well-designed data collection solution gathers data from multip...