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Blog about marketing,
for marketers

Your source for best practices, tips, and helpful hints to become a pro data-driven marketer. Subscribe and stay up to date on the latest trends.

reporting at scale

Reporting at scale with iO

The world’s most successful agencies serve many clients at once, each bringing multiple projects worth of work. At the same time, each project may hav...

Top BI Tools

Top 5 BI tools (and 3 MI tools) for 2024

All rivers meet at the ocean. Those beautifully clear ocean waters gently lulling at the edge of a sunny island are made up of thousands of rivers fro...

tracking dashboard success

Tracking what makes a dashboard successful

Pies, bars, tables, lines, trends, and more. It might sound like a hot new club or happy hour spot, but these are actually a sampling of some of the o...

Funnel Dashboards

Funnel Dashboards are here!

In a world overflowing with data, marketers often find themselves lost in a sea of spreadsheets, struggling to make sense of the numbers that inundate...

consent mode v2

Understanding Consent Mode V2

As digital privacy continues to be a pivotal aspect of online interactions, Google's introduction of Consent Mode V2 in March 2024 is an important evo...

key to dashboard potential

The keys to unlocking a dashboard’s potential

KISS (keep it simple stupid) is often a mantra in advertisers’ heads as they try to craft winning ads. It may also be a guiding strategy for agencies ...

big data visualization

Your guide to big data visualization

Data has gotten BIG for every industry, but it's really apparent in marketing. It's not just that you have hundreds of data sources to review before m...

expert dashboard design

An expert eye for dashboard design

We’ve all been there: sitting in front of a blank screen, trying to figure out how best to visualize and present your performance data. But where do y...

accessible data a visualization

Make insights inclusive with accessible data visualization

Data visualizations serve as shiny beacons in a sea of raw data. They transform complex data sets into actionable insights so that even non-expert con...

personalized marketing

Marketing personalization 101

Data and artificial intelligence are transforming the marketing industry, altering how marketers launch and manage campaigns — and it can be easy to g...