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customer retention

The best customer retention strategies for e-commerce companies

Running an e-commerce business is a bit like hosting a party. You want plenty of new faces coming through the door, but if no one sticks around, you’r...

zero party data

Everything you need to know about zero-party data

Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada. That’s the number of insights marketers risk gaining if they continue to rely solely on third-party data. The savviest markete...

marketing mix

What is the marketing mix?

Imagine trying to bake a cake without knowing the ingredients. You might get close, but chances are, something will be missing. Marketing is no differ...

agency advanced analytics

Why advanced analytics require accurate data

According to our recent research, advanced analytics appears to be an underserved niche for marketing teams – presenting a huge opportunity for agenci...

balance data and privacy

How agencies balance data needs with privacy

We all know that juicy insights served up from high-quality data can help marketing agencies turn a good idea into a great one. But, that extra ideati...

Monochrome open book

Glossary - Cost per Mille (CPM)

CPM definition Mille is Latin for one thousand, so cost per mille (CPM) means cost per thousand. In the context of advertising, cost per mille is the ...

advanced analytics

Why advanced analytics are the secret to agency success

According to fresh research we conducted alongside Ravn Research, a whopping 75% of in-house marketers expect their spend on agencies to remain flat o...


The Simple, No-B.S. Guide to Content Marketing

The other day, my kid asked, "Dad, what do you do for a living?" After some reflection, I replied, "I write and tell stories." He gave me a puzzled lo...

justify ROI
Marketing Measurement

Justifying spend: why 'marketing ROI' isn’t enough

Marketing ROI (return on investment) is notoriously tricky to calculate. Yet, most marketers continue to plow on, trying to capture accurate ROI to ju...

email nurturing

9 expert nurture email best practices

Email remains one of the most effective marketing methods in your arsenal. Considering that there are nearly 4.5 billion email users around the globe,...