Category Marketing

agency advanced analytics

Why advanced analytics require accurate data

According to our recent research, advanced analytics appears to be an underserved niche for marketing teams – presenting a huge opportunity for agenci...

balance data and privacy

How agencies balance data needs with privacy

We all know that juicy insights served up from high-quality data can help marketing agencies turn a good idea into a great one. But, that extra ideati...

advanced analytics

Why advanced analytics are the secret to agency success

According to fresh research we conducted alongside Ravn Research, a whopping 75% of in-house marketers expect their spend on agencies to remain flat o...

justify ROI

Justifying spend: why 'marketing ROI' isn’t enough

Marketing ROI (return on investment) is notoriously tricky to calculate. Yet, most marketers continue to plow on, trying to capture accurate ROI to ju...

retail media networks

Retail media networks explained & the top networks you should know

What are retail media networks? These digital advertising networks are all about utilizing existing platforms to reach new audiences. Think about it: ...

marketing gamification

Gamification in marketing: how games unlock customer loyalty

Want to turn your customers into loyal brand advocates? Adding gaming elements to your marketing could be the secret ingredient that transforms one-ti...

optimize channels

Using multi-channel attribution for cross-channel marketing

Marketing has undergone a profound transformation over the last decade, and how we measure our strategies is no exception. Traditional channels like t...

unified marketing measurement

Unified marketing measurement: Why UMM is the next generation of marketing attribution

With cookie deprecation and stricter tracking regulations, it's becoming more challenging to measure the impact of marketing activities and their cont...

trinity of marketing measurement

Trinity of marketing measurement: holistic marketing measurement

Since GDPR came into effect in May 2018, user journey tracking has been on the decline, and tracking all users on websites and mobile apps has become ...

build brand awareness

Top of funnel marketing tactics to build brand awareness

A recent study found that 43% of consumers like to discover new brands, even if they aren’t in the market to buy. With all those people just waiting t...