Category Marketing

data orchestration

What is data orchestration?

Watch an orchestra, and you'll notice the conductor waving a wand around, pointing it at sections, and encouraging the musicians to either restrain th...

funnel vs cdp

How Funnel differs from a customer data platform (CDP)

Smart marketers respect the importance of good data. But among all the tools that offer solutions for data management and analysis, it can be difficul...

Shopify automation

Top 5 Shopify automation tools that work

Shopify is one of the world’s leading e-commerce platforms. In fact, according to their website, they provide online shopping services to millions of ...

what are KPIs

What are KPIs?

In short: Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics that track progress toward an objective or goal. KPIs offer insights that help you understand ...

analyze Facebook ads

Analyze your Facebook Ads creatives the right way

Facebook Ads is a behemoth of a platform. Combined with other Meta properties, it took in more than $112 billion in ad revenue in 2022 — second only t...

bowtie funnel

Bowtie funnel: A modern twist to marketing funnels

It's a dog-eat-dog marketing and sales world out there. Resilient businesses focusing on long-term success are scrapping the stodgy, straight marketin...

outgrown super metrics

Have you outgrown your reporting process?

In the dynamic digital marketing landscape, data reporting tools like Supermetrics have been pivotal by enabling businesses to extract, analyze, and v...

winning strategy

The formula for a winning full-funnel marketing strategy

Is your conversion rate up-and-coming? Is there room to improve it and get more prospects to become happy brand advocates? (Hint: The answer is always...

Black Friday sales boost

Boost Black Friday sales through the power of social media

Black Friday, the annual shopping extravaganza, is a golden opportunity for your business to boost sales and gain fresh followers. Customers rejoice i...

what is affiliate marketing

What is affiliate marketing and how does it work?

Given the plethora of choices for digital marketing these days, it can be hard for marketers to keep track and take advantage of everything. One of th...