Product updates for August

2 minute read Last updated Nov 7 2023
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After enjoying summer, we are now ready for the fall and looking forward to what it will bring. Let’s have a look at what new features we have this month! 👌🏼

You can read about the updates below or get short summary from my colleague Christian in this video:


New connector: Salesforce Marketing Cloud 

We just released a new connector: Salesforce Marketing Cloud. This connector is to Salesforce’s marketing automation and customer engagement platform. You find all you need to know about the connector and the two reports types: Send and Email performance, in our Knowledge Base.


Change log in Google Sheets and Data Warehouse Shares

In Data Shares, it is now possible to trace any changes made in your configurations. With the new change log, you can see a list of versions that cite who made changes and when. You can also see details of previous versions. We hope this feature will help you track your changes and resolve any issues that may come up.

change log

Schedule Google Sheets exports are now in grid layout

The layout for exports into Google Sheets now has the option to be shown in a grid view. The status for each card is indicated by the color it’s marked with, and by hovering over it, you will see the action buttons. Now it’s much easier to get a quick overview!

Schedule google sheets exports


More aggregation types for rule-based custom metrics

To ensure consistency across aggregation types within your imported metrics, and to enable you as a marketer to transform your data in more ways, we have added more aggregation types for rule-based custom metrics: NONE, COUNT, MIN, and MAX. These are available in the app right now for you to experiment with!

aggregation types

Google Data Studio now supports currency and country types

We are now rolling out support for currency and geo types for Google Data Studio. Great, right? To get this update, you need to refresh fields in Data Studio. When that is done, you will notice that:

  • Currency fields will update automatically to reflect your new type and format
  • Geo fields will not update automatically. To update them, you have to remove the field from the Data Share, refresh the fields, then add the field again.

Please note that Funnel supports more currency types than Data Studio. If your share is using a currency that Data Studio does not support (e.g. Bitcoin), your field will not be assigned a currency type in Data Studio.

New fields and metrics

This month we have new fields and metrics for LinkedIn, TikTok and more. To read all about the updates to our connectors, go to our blog post

As always we have a lot of updates with new fields and metrics to our connectors. Read all updates from connectors like Google Analytics, Appsflyer and Spotify Ad Studio. 

More updates from Funnel

New blog posts!


Some people might read a book while on holiday, but we’ve used the time to create fresh blog articles. This summer, it was all about the technical aspects of data. We dove into data wrangling, transformation, server-side tagging, and more. Check out some of our latest pieces:

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