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client reporting tools 2024

The top client reporting tools of 2024

You spent weeks developing a market campaign that hits all your client's key concerns. Now, it's time to present the results. Maybe you're sitting at ...

top visualization tools

The 12 best data visualization tools for marketing agencies

Faced with a sea of data, professionals must work smart to separate the signal from the noise. Data visualization tools are key in this effort, but wi...

monitoring vs reporting
Reporting Data

Monitoring vs. reporting – what’s the difference?

Does the thought of reporting week send a shiver down your spine? You're not alone. Many marketers dread the days leading up to the deadline for repor...

agencies and data warehouses
Data Destinations Marketing Data

How agencies can harness the power of data warehouses

Funnel recently conducted an insightful interview with Julian Modiano, the co-founder and CEO of Acuto, a Funnel solution partner. In this discussion ...

before building a data pipe
Marketing Data

13 things to consider before building marketing data pipelines

The allure of building custom, in-house marketing data pipelines can be compelling for many organizations. From a zoomed out perspective, it promises ...

ai in marketing

The role of data skills in the AI age

No one can agree on how artificial intelligence will impact the future of humanity. Elon Musk, who helped form OpenAI, the company that gave the world...

data orchestration
Marketing Data

What is data orchestration?

Watch an orchestra, and you'll notice the conductor waving a wand around, pointing it at sections, and encouraging the musicians to either restrain th...

what are KPIs
Marketing Data

What are KPIs?

In short: Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics that track progress toward an objective or goal. KPIs offer insights that help you understand ...

etl downsides
Marketing Data

ETL limitations and ETL alternatives for marketers

A mind-boggling 328.77 million terabytes of data is created each day. However, all this information is meaningless unless you can pull data together f...

what is a dimension

Google Analytics metrics and dimensions explained

Dimensions come in all sorts of shapes and sizes — literally. There are the dimensions you double check when buying furniture for your home. There are...