AdWords (Google Ads) - Device dimension available in two more report types
The Device dimension from Google Ads is now available in the Search Query and Search Keyword reports of our Google Ads connector. The Device dimension...
The Device dimension from Google Ads is now available in the Search Query and Search Keyword reports of our Google Ads connector. The Device dimension...
Our Adwords (Google Ads) connector now supports a brand new non-aggreagatable metric. Click Share is now available in the standard non-aggreagatable r...
Our Google Ads (Adwords) connector has been updated with a new report type called Click View. This gives you access to the dimension Google Click ID (...
Our Google Ads (Adwords) connector now reads the conversion window of the Google Ads account and sets it as the refresh window in Funnel. This should ...
We've updated the AdWords (Google Ads) connector and added the dimension Click Type as an optional dimension in the Shopping Performance report type. ...
We've just added a new field to our AdWords connector. Image URL is now available on the Standard report on an Ad level on data sources connected with...
We have just added two new report types for the Adwords connector (when using the Google Ads API version). These are Age Range View and Gender View re...
We have made some changes to the dimension "Ad" from our AdWords connector. If you do not use ad level reporting for AdWords, below changes will not a...
The fields YouTube Video ID Placement and Youtube Channel ID Placement are now available in the Placement report from AdWords (Google Ads). These sele...
Postal code is now available as an optional dimension in the Geo Performance report type when connecting or reconfiguring AdWords (Google Ads) data so...