Category Google-ads

Yahoo Japan Search, Spotify Ads, Amazon Selling Partner - Core Connectors updated

New fields and dimensions have been added to Yahoo Japan Search, Spotify Ads, Amazon Selling Partner, and more – here are our Core Connector updates f...

GA4, TikTok, Webgains – here are our Connector updates for February

New fields added for Google Ads, Webgains, Facbook Ads, GA4, and more – here are our Connector updates for February 2023. Facebook Ads New "monthly" a...

Outbrain, LinkedIn, GA4 – new dimensions and metrics in January

Here are some of the updates to our connectors for January. Outbrain New dimensions: - Country ID (Geo reports only) Metrics - CPA - Cost Per Acquisit...

Hubspot, Facebook and YouTube – here are our new fields for December

Button New dimension: Transaction ID Facebook Ads Reach is now supported as "weekly" and "monthly" variants Delta Projects Two new metrics have been a...

Twitter, YouTube and Teads – see what’s new in Funnel’s connectors for November

TikTok The Audience metrics breakdown “Platform” has been renamed to “Operating system”. This change has been introduced for consistency with the Tikt...

Instagram, Shopify and Pinterest – new fields in July

Instagram, Shopify and Pinterest – here are some of the connectors that have been expanded in July. Instagram Reels now supported in the Media Insight...

Appsflyer, Adform, Ingenious: New fields for May

During May, several core connectors have been expanded with new reports, metrics and dimensions. Here are some of the updates released Appsflyer New d...

AdWords (Google Ads): Custom Labels

We've added a new dimension to our AdWords (Google Ads) connector: Custom labels. It's available in the "Shopping Performance" report as an optional d...

Performance Max campaigns supported for AdWords (Google Ads)

We've updated our AdWords (Google Ads) connector to utilise the lastest API version, meaning we can now offer Performance Max campaigns! Performance M...

Adwords (Google Ads): Preview Image URL

A new dimension have been added for the Standard Ad report: "Preview Image URL".