Category Appsflyer

Google Ads, Facebook Ads and ActiveCampaign - Core Connector updates for September

New fields have been added to Google Ads, Facebook Ads and ActiveCampaign and more! Here we present our Core Connector update for the month of Septemb...

Connector news for October: Tradedoubler, Yelp and Appsflyer

Tradedoubler Our Tradedoubler connector has been updated to use the latest API version. Deprecated Metrics. This means we've been able to add the foll...

LinkedIn, TikTok, GA4 and more. These are some of the connector updates from August.

LinkedIn, TikTok, GA4 and more. These are some of the connector updates that have happened in August.Bing New dimension: Title Part 3 Ad Description 2...

Appsflyer, Adform, Ingenious: New fields for May

During May, several core connectors have been expanded with new reports, metrics and dimensions. Here are some of the updates released Appsflyer New d...

SKAdNetworks report now available in AppsFlyer

SKAdNetworks performance report is now available as an aggregated report type for AppsFlyer in Funnel. Note: This report uses a v2 token. The SKAdNetw...